Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office sets up hotline to gather information on creation of separatist republics

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, commenting on the detention of one of the ex-leaders of the Party of Regions, Oleksandr Yefremov, who is suspected of involvement in the creation of the so-called LPR, stated that the General Prosecutor’s Office has set up a telephone line and two email accounts to gather information about individuals who helped to create the terrorist organizations Luhansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic.

"The GPU has set up a direct telephone line (+38-044-596-72-01) and email (, for citizens who possess direct information on the organization of separatist referendums and financing of the terrorist organizations LPR and DPR in Ukraine. Everyone who personally witnessed or heard about the organization of the referendums, the organization of the seizure of state institutions and organization of separatist paramilitary groups by those who encroached on the territorial integrity of Ukraine; please, provide the investigators your contact numbers at the GPU hotline," he stated.

"Oleksandr Yefremov is just one of the suspects in the case against those who organized terrorist organizations and infringed upon the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine. We want to look into the actions of a larger number of officials and members of this terrorist organization.  And to do that, we need the cooperation of civil society," Lutsenko stated.

  Prosecutor General's Office, separatists, Ukraine
