Russia begins massive naval drills across multiple fleet zones

Russia has commenced large-scale naval exercises, encompassing operational zones of its Northern, Pacific, and Baltic fleets, as well as the Caspian Flotilla. These planned drills involve forces from the fleets and the Caspian Flotilla, drawing participation from around 20,000 personnel, including crews from ships, naval aviation units, and coastal defense troops.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Tuesday, July 30, that the primary objective of these exercises is to assess the readiness of the Russian Navy's military management at all levels and the ability of crews to execute combat tasks.

The exercises cover the operational areas of the Northern, Pacific, and Baltic fleets, along with those of the Caspian Flotilla. Reports indicate the involvement of approximately 300 surface ships, submarines, support vessels, up to 50 aircraft, and over 200 military equipment units. Overall, more than 20,000 military and civilian personnel are participating in the maneuvers.

Over the next few days, crews from ships, naval aviation, and coastal defense troops are set to carry out over 300 combat drills, including anti-aircraft and artillery firing exercises, laying passive barriers, and employing anti-submarine weaponry.

  Russia, Russian Navy
