Russia on US reconnaissance flights over Ukraine: Crimea has been turned into a fortress

The flights of the US heavy unmanned RQ-4A Global Hawk and the R-8A Poseidon maritime reconnaissance aircraft along the demarcation line in the Donbas and over Black Sea waters close to annexed Crimea are related to the US’s interest in Russian weaponry, believes Ivan Konovalov, director of the Russian Center for Strategic Conjuncture, RT reports.

“The goal is obvious – reconnaissance of Crimea’s modern military infrastructure. And that it is powerful is also obvious, the Russian leadership is not hiding this. On the peninsula there is a mixed aviation division, and a powerful interspecific group is deployed, which includes all the components: ground forces, anti-air, anti-missile, aircraft. Crimea has been fortified and turned into a fortress,” he claims.

On Sunday January 7, a US Air Force strategic RQ-4A Global Hawk unmanned aircraft and a P-8A Poseidon maritime reconnaissance aircraft conducted a major reconnaissance operation over Ukraine.

  Crimea, Ukraine, Russia
