• The Kremlin supports MoD's position on incident with USS Donald Cook

    According to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin supports the Russian Defense Ministry’s position on the incident earlier this week in which Russian Su-24 aircraft buzzed a US naval destroyer in the Baltic Sea, Eko Moskva reported.

    The Russian Defense Ministry and the Kremlin maintain that the Su-24s flew over international waters and observed all safety precautions.  "The principle of freedom of navigation for the US destroyer, which is staying in …

  • Putin agrees to the deployment of armed OSCE mission to the Donbas

    Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the idea of a deployment of an armed OSCE mission along the contact line. "Recently I had a conversation with Petro Poroshenko: he proposed to strengthen the presence of the OSCE and that the OSCE observers on the contact line should be armed in order to achieve the ceasefire. I think it is the right position, we support it," Putin stated at an open press conference on Thursday, 14 April, as reported by the Ukrainian news.

    According to the Russian …

  • Lawyer: Savchenko has only four or five days

    The lawyer for Nadiya Savchenko, Nikolai Polozov, wrote on his Facebook page that his client has four, maximum five days left.

    “As I expected, Nadiya has been administered intravenous infusions throughout the day. She showed me her hands – all her veins have been pricked, there are no live veins. The doctors searched for veins on her legs as well. Her health status is bad… The lack of water in the body for the ninth day of the dry hunger strike has destroyed Nadiya’s internal organs. Her …

  • Armenia, Georgia, Iran and Russia sign energy memorandum

    Russia, Armenia, Georgia and Iran have signed a roadmap on the preparation of collaboration of power supply systems of the four countries in Yerevan, and also agreed on a memorandum of mutual understanding and cooperation in the sphere of energy.

    RIA Novosti reports that the documents were signed by the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Alexander Novak, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Armenia, Levon Yolyan, the Minister of Energy of Iran, Hamid Chitchian and the …

  • Spokeswoman: The war in Ukraine will be discussed at the forthcoming NATO-Russia Council

    The main topics of discussion at the forthcoming NATO-Russia Council will be the fighting in the Donbas region and the implementation of the Minsk agreements. This is the first meeting in two years and will take place on April 20th at NATO headquarters in Brussels, NATO spokeswoman Carmen Romero confirmed on April 13th.

    According to her, during the meeting the sides will also discuss the military activities of NATO and Russia, focus on "transparency and risks reduction", and will also talk …