Ukrainian drones penetrates deep into Russia: air defense gaps exposed amidst strikes in Nizhny Novgorod and Kursk

In a daring operation, a Ukrainian drone flew nearly a thousand kilometers into Russia, reaching the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Overnight, Ukraine launched attacks on Russian military infrastructure in at least two regions: Kursk and Nizhny Novgorod. Reports indicate that drones set fire to an oil depot in the Kursk region, causing a significant blaze.

Unlike Kursk, which borders Ukraine and is relatively easier to target, Nizhny Novgorod lies deep within Russian territory, east of Moscow and approximately 800 kilometers from the Ukrainian border. The specific targets in Nizhny Novgorod remain unclear, but Russian officials have acknowledged the resumption of long-range strikes by Ukrainian forces, prompting concerns over Russia’s air defenses.

"The long-range flights of Ukrainian drones have resumed. Nizhny Novgorod is quite far away," commented Russian analyst Anatoly Nesmiyan. "Once again, we face questions about the permeability of our air defenses, as a slow-moving drone can fly almost a thousand kilometers without detection, only to be noticed near its target. This raises the question of our preparedness to counter an attack by thousands of cruise missiles if our adversary decides to strike. Will we still rely on makeshift defenses?" Nesmiyan remarked, alluding to the inadequacy of Russia's current measures.

He criticized the Russian military's lack of anticipation for such intense attacks on its territory, attributing the shortcomings to financial mismanagement.

"It’s clear that when Shoygu’s team was embezzling billions from the defense budget, an attack on Russia wasn’t part of the calculation. The air defense system was left as is since the funds served better private interests—constructing mansions, expanding car collections, or building green temples adorned with Hitler’s hat—allegedly boosting some intangible qualities while reducing the focus on actual defensive capabilities. Where will new billions come from now and is there any assurance they won't be misappropriated again?" the expert emphasized.

The oil depot in Kursk's Polevaya village is left in flames.

Previously, Ukrainian drones also struck a strategic Russian bomber at the Olenya airbase in Murmansk.

  Kursk, Murmansk, drone attack
