Ukrainian Intelligence Chief: Crimea easier to retake than Donbas

Retaking the temporarily occupied Crimean Peninsula will be much easier than reclaiming Donbas, said Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense (GUR MoD), during a speech at the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE), as reported by Forbes Ukraine.

According to Budanov, Crimea can be reclaimed through two critical points of entry — the Crimean Bridge and the Perekop Isthmus.

"From a military standpoint, retaking Crimea is far easier than Donbas, which has a front line extending over 1,000 km and a depth of more than 200 km. In Crimea, two entry points exist — one from the Russian side and one from ours: the Crimean Bridge and the land isthmus. The issue of retaking it comes down to our front-line operations: on the Russian side, by destroying communications; on our side, through exerting pressure. When that's achieved, Crimea will be isolated," stated Kyrylo Budanov.

Budanov also addressed a popular Russian myth, asserting that Crimea is not an unreachable fortress. He argued that history shows the peninsula has been conquered multiple times in various conflicts, and states that desired it usually succeeded.

"When I say we will enter Crimea, I mean we are already making moves," Budanov concluded.

Kyrylo Budanov has also explained when Russia's offensive will halt and what steps to take afterward. Active operations by Russian occupiers on the front have been ongoing for three months and could continue for another two, according to the intelligence chief. He likened the battles to a football match, mentioning the 70th minute mark of the game — a comparison he made a year ago as well.

  War in Ukraine, Budanov, Crimea
