Contents tagged with Japan

  • Japan to provide $1.4 million worth of medical equipment to Ukrainian Armed Forces

    Japan will provide over $1.4 million worth of medical equipment to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, said the Ambassador of Japan to Ukraine Takashi Kurai during a meeting with Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Taran.

    "Through the UN mission in Ukraine, by the end of 2020, it is planned to deliver another batch of medical equipment to hospitals in Kharkiv, Lviv and Irpen at a cost of $1.4 million and provide appropriate training for medical personnel," reads Takashi Kurai's the statement published …

  • Japan to take part in Sea Breeze naval exercise in Ukraine for the first time

    For the first time, the Japan Self-Defense Forces will be taking part in the Sea Breeze 2020 naval exercise, which will be held in Ukraine this year, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry announced on its website.

    On Wednesday February 5, Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Zahorodniuk met with Jiro Hiroe, director of one of the departments of the Japanese ground forces command.

    During the meeting, the parties agreed that Japanese troops would participate in the Sea Breeze exercise this year. The …

  • Japan suspects Russian diplomats of spying

    The Japanese police believe that two members of the Russian trade office have been gathering secret information. This hypothesis was put forward after a former telecommunications company employee admitted that he had stolen and sold work-related information. The Russian embassy in Japan expressed regret that Japan has joined the “anti-Russian speculations on the topic of spy mania”.

    “We are sorry that Japan has joined the anti-Russian speculations popular in the West on the hackneyed topic of …

  • Japanese and South Korean fighter jets intercept Russian bombers

    Japan and South Korea scrambled fighters to escort two Russian strategic bombers over the neutral waters of the seas of Japan and East China, the Russian media reported on November 27, citing the Russian Defense Ministry.

    “At separate stages of the route, the crews of the Tu-95MSs were escorted by a few F-15, F-16 (South Korean Air Force) and F-2 (Japanese Air Force) fighters,” the TASS news agency wrote, citing the Russian Defense Ministry.

    On August 8, the UK’s Royal Air Force scrambled …

  • Russian Foreign Minister explains why peace treaty with Japan cannot be signed

    The conclusion of a peace treaty between Russia and Japan is hindered by the military-political alliance between Tokyo and Washington, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters in Nagoya, Japan. The broadcast of his speech was published on Twitter by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    "The military alliance with the United States, of course, is a problem in giving a new quality to Russian-Japanese relations," he said. The Minister recalled that when agreeing on the Soviet- …

  • Russia is ready to give Japan two disputed Kuril Islands with conditions

    The Russian authorities are ready to hand over two disputed Islands of Shikotan and Habomai of the Kuril archipelago to Japan. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the handover of the two Islands is possible only after Japan's recognition of the results of the Second World War and the conclusion of a peace treaty, report Russian state TV channels.

    Lavrov also added that Russia is a legal successor of the USSR and therefore, recognizes the Declaration of 1956, according to which the …

  • Russian Foreign Ministry summons Japanese Ambassador over Kuril Islands

    The Ambassador of Japan in Russia, Touchesa Kazuki, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry where Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov informed him of the inadmissibility Tokyo’s criticism over the actions of Russia in the Kuril Islands, says Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Earlier, Tokyo criticized the visit of the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to the Kuril Islands and protested because of the military drills at Kunashir Island. On August 2 , Dmitry Medvedev …

  • Japan protests airspace violation by Russia

    The Japanese government has protested a violation of its airspace over the Sea of Japan by Russian bombers, the Japanese news agency NHK reports.

    “We cannot allow such actions in our territory,” the country said in a statement delivered through diplomatic channels to Russia and South Korea.

    Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga objected to both Russia’s airspace violation and the warning shots fired by South Korea.

    “In light of Japan’s stance on sovereignty over Takeshima, the …

  • Japan-Russia peace treaty talks fall through yet again

    A new round of Russian-Japanese peace treaty negotiations has come to nothing. Since the end of World War II, a peace treaty between Japan and Russia, as the legal successor to the Soviet Union, has still not been signed. A declaration that the state of war between the counties has ended was signed in 1956.

    Until now, Japan has demanded that Russia return the southern islands of the Kuril chain – Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai. In negotiations on 14 July, Russia refused to even discuss …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Trump and Putin to discuss Ukraine

    US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss the issue of Ukraine, and the release of detained Ukrainian sailors during their meeting, said the Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin in an interview with Ukrainian Channel 5.

    "We spoke with the White House and the State Department about how the "Ukrainian track" should be covered (at the meeting) ... Of course, Trump himself will make decisions. However, I am sure that his materials will be composed correctly," …