Contents tagged with Japan

  • Lavrov: Russia has no artificial deadlines for peace treaty with Japan

    Russia is not setting itself any “artificial deadlines” for signing a peace treaty with Japan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the end of the 55th Munich Security Conference on Saturday.

    “Russia has no artificial deadlines whatsoever. We are calmly explaining to our Japanese colleagues that nothing of the sort can be planned,” he said. “We will proceed on the basis of the 1956 Declaration.”

    “This stipulates an incontestable first step towards signing a peace treaty,” the …

  • Japanese fighters escort Russian bombers over the Pacific Ocean

    RIA Novosti with reference to the Ministry of Defense of Russia stated that Japanese Air Self-Defense Force fighters accompanied two Russian strategic Tu-95MS bombers over the neutral waters of the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk and parts of the Pacific Ocean. 

    The ministry said that the Russian Tu-95MS had a planned 15-hour flight, during which they refueled in the air. A fleet of Su-35S fighters accompanied them.

    "At certain stages of the route, Russian aircraft were accompanied by Japan’ …

  • Japanese Prime Minister Abe promises not to leave the problem of a peace treaty for future generations

    Japan's negotiations with Russia on a peace treaty should not be stopped and left for future generations, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stated at the congress of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. The corresponding video was published on the party’s YouTube channel.

    “We should not hand over to future generations the problem that has not been solved during past 70 years. I am determined to solve this problem together with [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin and to continue …

  • Tokyo: establishing US military bases in the Kuril Islands is only possible with Japan’s consent

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that if the South Kuril Islands are handed over to Japan, the creation of US military bases on those islands will be possible only after Tokyo gives its consent, RIA Novosti reported, citing Kyodo News Agency.

    The United States has the right to establish military bases in Japan. However, in the case of the Kuril Islands, the deployment location must be coordinated with the Japanese government, Abe stated. 

    Meanwhile, Abe gave no answer to journalists’ …

  • Kremlin : Japan's support for sanctions against Russia is an obstacle to signing the peace treaty

    The Press Secretary to the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov said that one of the obstacles to signing a peace treaty is that Japan actively supports the sanctions against Russia, Interfax reports.

    “They support the sanctions and this is one of the questions and one of the situations that prevents us from signing the peace treaty,” Peskov noted during the program “Moscow.Kremlin.Putin” on channel Russia-1.

    He recalled that last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to sign the peace …

  • Kremlin: Russia's main goal in negotiations with Japan is to conclude the Peace Treaty

    During the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” broadcast on Russia 1 TV channel, Dmitry Peskov, Press Secretary of Russian President, said that in the negotiations with Tokyo, Moscow’s basic task is to conclude a peace treaty with Japan rather than find a solution to the issue of the Kuril Islands.

    “Our basic task is to conclude a peace treaty, not to give or receive anything,” TASS quoted Peskov as saying. “We need to end World War 2 and sign a peace treaty with a very important partner of us in …

  • Tokyo rejects Putin’s proposal to increase trade between Russia and Japan to $30 billion

    Russian President Vladimir Putin's proposal made to increase trade between Russia and Japan to $30 billion made to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during the talks on the Kuril Islands was not greeted by Japan.

    The Japanese side did not give consent to Putin's plan, which called for an increase in investments in the Russian economy, to replenish it with technologies and to increase mutual trade by 1.5 times, the official representative of the Japanese Foreign Ministry told Kyodo.

    “Mr. …

  • Putin: Russia and Japan will continue negotiations on the Kuril Islands

    Russia and Japan will continue negotiations on the peace treaty, stated Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe at the press-conference following the bilateral meeting in Moscow, the Russian service of Radio Svoboda reports.

    According to Putin, both parties are interested in the signing of the document. Putin said that the conditions of the peace treaty should be acceptable for both countries and supported by society. The Russian President noted that Moscow will …

  • Putin asks Abe for investments during Kuril handover negotiations

    Russia hopes to expand its investment and technological collaboration with Japan, said Russian President Vladimir Putin following negotiations with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe in Moscow.

    After the leaders’ meeting in the Kremlin, to which Abe had come “fully resolved” to deal with the matter of the peace treaty – which has been left hanging for more than 50 years due to the territorial dispute surrounding the Kuril islands – Putin bemoaned the small amount of Japanese investments in …

  • Media: Japanese Prime Minister will push for a peace treaty with Russia in exchange for only two Kuril Islands

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is considering the possibility of concluding a peace treaty with Russia if Moscow gives only two of the four disputed Kuril Islands to Japan, reported the Japanese news agency Kyodo with reference to government sources.

    According to the sources of the news agency, the prime minister of Japan is ready to focus on the transfer of Habomai and Shikotan, the smaller islands of the Kuril Ridge. As noted by the sources, he understands that if Tokyo continues to …