Contents tagged with Japan

  • Putin: Russia has no plans to hand over South Kurils

    Speaking on the program “Saturday news with Sergey Brilev” on Russia 1 TV channel, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is not going to hand over the South Kuril Islands to Japan.

    Answering the question of the host, whether it would be necessary to lower the Russian flag that is raised in the South Kurils, President Putin said that "we do not have such plans," reports Interfax news agency.

    The USSR annexed the South Kurils in the end of the World War II. According to the Soviet– …

  • Russia offers Japan to establish a visa-free zone

    After a meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Tarō Kōno, the Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that Russia has offered Japan to remove visa requirements for travel between the countries.

    "We mentioned the long-standing Russian proposal to move to a visa-free regime between the Russian Federation and Japan, starting with business and tourism trips. We assume that the dialogue will continue," said Lavrov.

    Earlier, Chairwoman of the Federation Council of Russia Valentina Matvienko …

  • Japan abandons plan to sign peace treaty with Russia in June

    The Japanese government has decided to abandon its plan to sign a framework agreement for a peace treaty with Russia at the end of June, when the G20 summit will be held in Osaka, the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported on Saturday, citing government sources.

    The decision was reportedly made because Russia and Japan have been unable to overcome their disagreements on a number of historical matters and security concerns. Previously Japan had planned to sign a framework agreement for a …

  • Japan: Russia’s deployment of weapons in the Kuril Islands is unacceptable

    After the “2+2” meeting of the heads of diplomatic and defense departments of Russia and Japan, Japanese Foreign Minister Tarō Kōno said, that Tokyo considers the strengthening of Russia's military presence in the Southern Kuriles unacceptable, reports RIA Novosti.

    "Speaking of missile launches and the deployment and other reinforcement of Russia's military presence on the Northern Islands (the Islands of the southern part of the Kuril Chain), we told Russia that this is unacceptable from the …

  • Japanese Foreign Minister: Peace treaty negotiations with Russia must be accelerated

    Tokyo would like the peace treaty negotiations with Russia to be concluded as soon as possible, said Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono in a press conference in Sapporo, Hokkaido, after returning from a visit to Moscow.

    The foreign minister stressed the importance of finding an arrangement that satisfies both parties.

    “We would like to conclude these negotiations as quickly as possible, taking into account the old age of the former inhabitants of the four northern islands. We must conclude …

  • Japan: it has not been possible to overcome disagreements with Russia on the Peace Treaty

    Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono said that it has not been possible to overcome disagreements with Russia on the Peace Treaty.

    At the same time, the Taro Kono noted that the country is strategically interested in solving the problem and "becoming real partners." The parties continue to meet regularly to this end and are "sparing no effort to negotiate."

    In return, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the agreement on the Kurile Islands could be made "only as a result of long …

  • Kremlin: Putin has no plans to meet Trump in Osaka

    Responding to a question from journalists about a possible meeting between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Japan, the Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the preparation for it has not yet been initiated.

    "We have not planned the meeting; we did not talk about the meeting" — TASS quotes Peskov.

    At the same time, the Press Secretary of the President said that Putin's meeting with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is due to arrive in Sochi on 13-14 May, is …

  • Japan wants to make peace with Russia in new era

    The Japanese government would like to make peace with Russia during the new era of Reiwa (“Harmony” or “Blossoming peace”) which began with Emperor Naruhito’s ascension to the throne on 1 May this year, said Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono.

    “If possible, we would like to deal with two problems during the Reiwa era – to sign a peace treaty with Russia and to bring the citizens captured by North Korea back to their homeland,” the minister said in a TV interview.

    He added that, during the …

  • Japan scrambles fighters to intercept Russian IL-38 anti-submarine aircraft

    Japanese fighters scrambled to intercept the Russian Il-38 patrol jet over the Sea of Japan, stated the report of the Japanese Defense Ministry.

    The document presents a photograph of the Il-38 and a map with the route of the jet. The photograph shows that that the Russian jet did not violate the Japanese border.

    The IL-38 is an anti-submarine medium-range aircraft developed on the basis of the IL-18V passenger jet. It is intended for independent or joint search with anti-submarine ships for …

  • Russia delays production of 'Boeing competitor' due to US sanctions

    Russia has been forced to postpone the serial production of the passenger plane MS-21 due to US sanctions, TASS reports, citing Rostec director Sergey Chemezov. 

    “In connection with the fact that the Americans have stopped the supply of composite materials, we are transitioning to our own composite materials,” he said. As a result, the deadline for launching serial production of the MS-21 has been “shifted slightly” to the end of 2020. Earlier it was expected that the first planes would be …