Contents tagged with Lithuania

  • Lithuania to propose new sanctions against Russia

    During a visit to Poland, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė said that Vilnius intends to propose additional sanctions against Russia if Moscow continues its aggressive policy towards Ukraine, BNS reports. 

    “If things continue to develop poorly, and Russia doesn’t start talking, but continues its aggressive policy throughout Ukraine and at the Kerch Strait, then, without a doubt, we will propose additional sanctions,” the Lithuanian leader told reporters in Lublin. 

    She added that the EU …

  • Lithuanian Foreign Minister calls on Europeans to step up the fight against Russian propaganda

    Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius stated in an interview with the newspaper Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung that EU countries should make greater efforts to fight against “Russian propaganda” and prepare for an information war with Russia. 

    The Minister asserted that the West “still underestimates Russia’s informational influence” while Eastern European countries are not the only ones under “Moscow’s attack.” Linkevičius called for the continuation of a strict sanctions policy against …

  • Lithuania donates €255,000 worth of ammunition to Ukraine

    On February 6, the Lithuanian Government adopted a decree providing Ukraine with free ammunition worth €255,000, reported the press service of the Lithuanian Defense Minister.

    The ammunition was originally meant for Soviet-made assault rifles and machine guns that are no longer used by the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

    “The transfer of assets is a part of Lithuania's consistent and comprehensive support of Ukraine for strengthening its defense capabilities and ensuring independence, sovereignty …

  • Lithuanian special services: Belarus is a 'buffer state' in Russian military doctrine

    According to the Annual Threat Assessment prepared by two Lithuanian special services, the Department of State Security and Military Intelligence of Lithuania, Russia consistently strengthens military facilities in the Kaliningrad region, however, the additional NATO forces deployed in the Baltic region and the growing national forces of Baltic countries reduce the likelihood of conflict, Interfax reported.

    “The [Russian] military group deployed in the region is consistently being strengthened: …

  • Lithuania blocks investment made by Russian oligarch because of threat of espionage reports that the Department of State Security and Military Intelligence of Lithuania has blocked the investments of a Russian corporation into a Lithuanian company because the company is suspected of of collecting cartographic data for the Russian army.

    According to the Lithuanian special services, the Russian oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov’s company Sistema was planning on acquiring a Lithuanian company through the investment firm of his son, specializing in cartography and aerial …

  • Russia to continue gas transit to Kaliningrad through Lithuania

    The governor of the Kaliningrad region Anton Alikhanov said on TV channel Vesti 24 that despite the launch of a terminal for receiving liquefied natural gas (LNG), the Kaliningrad region would not refuse to transit gas through the territory of Belarus and Lithuania.

    "The Kaliningrad Region does not plan to abandon gas supplies through the Minsk-Vilnius-Kaunas-Kaliningrad trunk pipeline system due to the commissioning of a gas receiving terminal and a floating regasification platform. The …

  • Lithuania: Russian may attempt to interfere in forthcoming presidential elections

    After the meeting of the Lithuanian State Council on Defense,  government officials stated that Russia and other countries may conduct cyber-attacks this year to influence the results of the presidential elections, the Lithuanian presidential press service reports.

    The State Defense Council under the leadership of President Dalia Grybauskaite reviewed the country’s security situation, did an annual review of threats and approved the long-term operational strategy for the intelligence services. …

  • Former Lithuanian Prime Minister's son questioned in connection with Russian espionage case

    52-year old Vaidotas Prunskus has been questioned in connection with a case of espionage for Russia, Delfi reported on Wednesday. Prunskus is the son of former Lithuanian Prime Minister Kazimira Prunskiene, the first Lithuanian prime minister after the declaration of independence in 1990. 

    “I was not arrested but I was questioned,” Prunskus said. He refused to provide more detailed comments. “A preliminary investigation is in process, so I will refrain from detailed comments,” he said. 

    About …

  • Lithuania considers freezing assets of individuals from Magnitsky list

    Russian officials will soon not be able to conduct their financial and economic activities in Lithuania. According to Delfi, the Lithuanian government is preparing a bill that will not only limit the cash flow of people who are on the Magnitsky list, but also, they will not be able to enter Lithuania.

    Opposition conservatives and liberals launched this initiative. They have already submitted their vision of the project, but the government has not yet approved the document. According to the …

  • Lithuanian Parliament adopts resolution condemning 'Russia's aggression against Ukraine'

    On Monday, December 10, the Seimas of Lithuania adopted a resolution “On supporting Ukraine against the aggression of the Russian Federation”. The decision was supported by 79 people.

    “The adopted resolution strongly condemns the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as well as the aggressive unilateral actions that harshly violate bilateral and multilateral agreements and international law. They threaten the entire region and the security of Europe․ The resolution …