Contents tagged with Lithuania

  • Square named after Boris Nemtsov opens in front of Russian Embassy in Lithuania

    An opening ceremony in front of the Russian Embassy of the square named after Russian oppositionist Boris Nemtsov took place in Vilnius on Friday, August 24.

    “This square is named after Boris Nemtsov not just because he was Lithuania’s great friend, but [also for the] values for which he fought: peace, democracy, human rights, freedom. We all want to live in a world, where these universal values prevail,” said Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Simasius during the ceremony.

    He hopes that one day “the …

  • Lithuania to allocate 1 million euro for the restoration of the Donbas

    The Government of Lithuania is planning to allocate about one million euro from the 2019 budget to support Ukraine, particularly settlements in the Donbas which were affected by Russian aggression, stated the Head of the Donetsk Regional State Civil and Military Administration, Oleksandr Kuts after meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in Ukraine, Marius Janukonis.

    "The Lithuanian Government plans to allocate about one million euro from the budget to support Ukraine. A principle decision in …

  • Lithuanian security services accuse online service Yandex.Taxi of transferring user data to Russia

    The service Yandex.Taxi, working in Lithuania is transferring data to Russian IP-addresses, according to the National Center for Cybersecurity (NSCC) under the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania.

    In a statement published on the center’s website, specialists of the NSCC state that, after conducting an analysis of the application, they found that the application “maintains active communication with 11 IP-addresses, most of which are located in Russia.”

    “NSCC employees found that this application …

  • Lithuania: NATO’s Air Force accompanied Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea once last week

    NATO destroyers accompanied Russian military aircraft over the Baltic Sea last week, according to a statement made on Monday by the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania circulated in a weekly review of the country’s airspace.

    According to the report, on duty aircraft from the Portuguese and Spanish Air Force stationed at Zokniai airbase in Lithiania, escorted Russian An-26 aircraft on July 26. “The plane flew over the Baltic Sea from the Kaliningrad region,” the department informed.

    According to …

  • Lithuanian Foreign Minister recommends that prosecutors and judges avoid visiting Russia

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Linas Linkevičius recommended that staff members of the Prosecutor General’s office and the Court refrain from visiting the Russian Federation. Russia’s investigative Committee (RIC) has initiated criminal charges against them for illegal prosecution of the participants of the events of January 1991 in Vilnius.

    Linkevicius stated on Monday, July 23 that the Russian Committee’s decision was meant to “put pressure on Lithuania, the courts and law …

  • Slovakia to replace Russian MiG-29 aircraft with American F-16 fighters

    The government of Slovakia agreed to buy fourteen F-16 fighter jets to replace their aging Russian MiG-29 aircraft.   “We picked the best solution because they are modern machines that we can afford from a price point of vew, quality and capability point of view, and that have no competition, Defence Minister Peter Gajdos said. The country also plans to cancel its maintenance contract with Russia for its MiG-29 that would have lasted until autumn 2019.   The cost of contract with the US has not …

  • Lithuanian president calls Trump’s pressure on NATO allies 'positive aggression'

    On the sidelines of the NATO summit in Brussels, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė described the pressure placed by US President Donald Trump on NATO allies with respect to defense financing as “positive aggression” which resulted in success, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

     “We confirm once again that President Trump’s pressure worked. Something I call ‘positive aggression’, in a good sense,” Grybauskaitė said.

    This was the Lithuanian president’s take on the unplanned meeting of NATO leaders …

  • President of Lithuania calls on NATO to deploy Patriot air defense systems in Baltics

    In an interview with the newspaper Corriere della Sera, the President of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskaitė called on NATO to equip submarines with American-made Patriot missile defense systems to strengthen the defense of the Baltic region.

    "NATO air defense is insufficient in our regions and should be strengthened. Patriots can be installed in submarines or in our territory,” she stated.

    Grybauskaitė emphasizes that Russia, the number one danger to Europe, is waging an unconventional war. "As …

  • Lithuania to add Russian citizens associated with the case against Sentsov to the 'Magnitsky list'

    At an extraordinary meeting on June 27, the Seimas of Lithuania, voted in favor of adding persons connected with the case of Ukrainian political prisoner Oleg Sentsov to the Lithuanian "Magnitsky List", TASS reported.

    The resolution was submitted by the representatives of the Right conservative party Homeland Union-Lithuania Christian Democrats. The document was supported by 82 deputies while one deputy abstained and one voted against.

    The resolution calls on Lithuania’s Minister of Foreign …

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania visits the boundary line in the Donbas

    On Saturday, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius visited a local school and one of the transit checkpoints in the frontier town of Stanytsia Luhanska.

    On his Twitter, he shared his impressions from the visit. "I am at the Stanytsia Luhanska checkpoint on the line of contact. The only operating checkpoint in the region: a violation of the Minsk Agreements. People are standing in line for 4 hours in the heat. It’s inhumane and unacceptable,” the Lithuanian diplomat wrote.

    The Head of …