Contents tagged with Lithuania

  • Lithuania suspends Russian TV channel for a year due to content inciting hatred

    The Lithuanian Radio and Television Commission (LRTK) has decided to require re-broadcasting companies to suspend broadcasting by Russian TV channel RTR-Planeta in Lithuania for a period of one year, reported Delfi news outlet.

    The Commission claims that over the past year, three cases have been identified in which three separate violations were recorded linking RTR-Planeta programs with incitement to war and hatred.

    For example, according to the information provided by the LRTK, one RTR- …

  • President of Lithuania: deployment of Iskander missile systems in Russia’s Kaliningrad region poses a threat to Europe

    While speaking at a press conference, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaité stated that the Iskander Tactical Missile Systems that will be permanently stationed in the Kaliningrad region of Russia beginning February 5 will be a threat to Europe, Delfi reports.

    "Iskander missiles are being stationed in Kaliningrad for permanent presence as we speak. This is not just a threat to Lithuania but to half of all European countries," said Grybauskaité.

    NATO believes that the deployment of the …

  • Lithuania detains three persons suspected of spying for Russia

    Three citizens of Lithuania have been detained for selling information about military and strategic facilities of the Baltic republic to Russian special services, reported Lrytas news agency.

    The suspects were detained in connection with two separate pre-trial investigations.

    The first investigation concerns a civilian employee of the Šiauliai Military Base, who previously served in the Lithuanian Air Force, as well as a citizen of Lithuania with a residence permit in a foreign country.

    The …

  • Lithuanian government stops using products from Kaspersky Lab

    The Baltic News Service reported on Sunday that Lithuanian government institutions and critical IT systems have abandoned software developed by Russian antivirus manufacturer Kaspersky Lab, citing the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defense.

    "At the present time, all administrators of critical IT systems do not use this software or have had it removed," noted the Lithuanian Defense Ministry.

    According to the National Center for Cyber ​​Security, Kaspersky Lab's programs were used by about 5% …

  • Kremlin promises to respond to publication of 'Magnitsky List' in Lithuania

    Russia will respond to the publication of the “Magnitsky List” in Lithuania, based on the “principle of reciprocity,” stated the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry, RIA Novosti reports.

    “Openly Russophobic actions of the Lithuanian lawmakers and authorities have long been unsurprising. Lithuania, as you know, has secured for itself the most unseemly place in the anti-Russian hysteria unleashed in the West,” said to the ministry.

    According to the Foreign …

  • Lithuania releases list of Russians affected by Magnitsky Act

    On Monday the Lithuanian Department of Migration released a list of 49 Russian citizens who are banned from entering Lithuania due to rights violations and money laundering, Delfi news agency reports.

    The list was released last week on the basis of the so-called “Magnitsky Act”, which came into force on January 1 in Lithuania. The list which was published online mentions the names, surnames, dates of birth and nationalities of the people it affects. Notably, the list features the name of …

  • Lithuania bans 49 Russians from entering the country under Magnitsky Act

    The Lithuanian Minister of the Interior, Eimutis Misiūnas, has banned 49 Russian citizens from entering the country under the Magnitsky bill, as reported by Ministry spokesperson Karolis Vaitkevičius to BNS.

    A list was compiled by the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) based on consultations with foreign partners, said MFA spokesperson Rasa Jakilaitienė. She specified that the list had been prepared prior to adoption of the Magnitsky bill by the Seimas, and included Russians accused …

  • American bombers to take part in military exercises in Lithuania

    The Air Forces of the United States and Lithuania plan to hold a joint exercise in Lithuanian airspace in which American bomber jets will conduct training, as reported by Delfi, citing a statement released by the U.S. Embassy in Lithuania.

    The aircraft participating in the exercise will include jets from the Fifth Bomb Wing of the United States Air Force stationed in North Dakota.

    The U.S. authorities did not specify the number of aircraft that will participate in the training or the types of …

  • Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs: There is no point in political meetings with Russia

    Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius stated that, at the present time, there is no sense in high-level political meetings with Russia. That said, all necessary pragmatic non-political contacts are being maintained, reported the news portal Delfi, citing an interview by the Minister on the radio station Ziniu radijas.

    "We really do not see the point in high-level political meetings at present [with Russia]; moreover, they won’t solve anything additional, except politicize the situation. …

  • Number of Lithuanian work permits issued to Ukrainians doubled in 2017

    In 2017, Lithuania issued 34,500 employment visas or residence permits. About 20 thousand of them were received by residents of Ukraine, news agency writes, referring to the data of the Migration Department.

    In 2016, 18,000 people came to work to Lithuania, of whom about 10,000 were Ukrainians.

    According to experts, Ukrainians often get jobs as long-distance truck drivers, concrete workers, bricklayers, finishing specialists, ship's hull assemblers and welders. Business owners claim …