Contents tagged with Lithuania

  • Lithuania and Canada oppose Hungarian initiative to revise NATO's cooperation with Ukraine

    Hungary's proposal to reconsider NATO's cooperation with Ukraine that was earlier sent to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was criticized by representatives of Lithuania and Canada at a meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly on May 26, Ukrinform reports.

    "One of the Visegrad Group countries is trying to use NATO as a tool to block the NATO-Ukraine meeting, which is unacceptable, and therefore I ask our Hungarian colleagues to help ensure that the Hungarian government does not use …

  • PACE representative preparing resolution on Nemtsov murder case denied entry to Russia

    Lithuanian politician Emanuelis Zingeris, who was supposed to prepare a resolution of the Council of Europe on the investigation of the murder of Boris Nemtsov was denied entry to Russi, Deutsche Welle reports. The politician planned a trip to Moscow to collect materials for the preparation of the resolution.

    "Perhaps the ban is related to my work in the Council of Europe and my investigation into the circumstances surrounding the murder of Boris Nemtsov, about which I later intend to inform …

  • An employee of the Vilnius Mayor’s Office is being prosecuted for offensive comments about Russia

    An employee of the Mayor’s Office of Vilnius who is responsible for public safety has been prosecuted for publicly insulting Russians. As reported by Delfi news agency, the Prosecutor’s Office filed charges against Darius Kiela and has already transferred the case to the Vilnius local court.

    Kiela is accused of commenting negatively on articles about the military conflict in Ukraine and Russian military exercises in the Kaliningrad region. In February 2017, Kiela wrote that Russia is an enemy …

  • Kremlin invites Lithuanian President to Putin's inauguration

    Russian Foreign Ministry representative Maria Zakharova has reported to RBC that Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite was given an invitation to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inauguration ceremony by the Lithuanian Embassy in Moscow.

    "The invitation was given to the Lithuanian Embassy in Moscow. Maybe they lost it, or did not transfer it to the capital? " she said.

    On Saturday, May 5, the Lithuanian portal Izinios reported that Grybauskaite had not received an invitation to Putin's …

  • Russia bans several Lithuanian politicians from entering the country

    Moscow has made a so-called "stop list" with names of politicians, deputies and political scientists from Lithuania, the Russian Foreign Ministry reports.

    List figurants are prohibited from entering Russia. The Russian Ministry has called its decision to take such a step a response to Vilnius’ adoption of an analogue to the American Magnitsky Act.

    The names of officials are not specified in the Russian Ministry’s statement.

    "We warn that the Russian ‘stop-list’ remains open. In the case of …

  • Prime Minister of Lithuania: We must continue to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons

    Saulius Skvernelis, the Prime Minister of Lithuania, stated during the Kyiv Security Forum that he is convinced of the necessity to continue supplying lethal weapons for Ukraine’s defensive purposes.

    Skvernelis stated: “We must continue to help Ukraine with lethal weapons—but not for the purpose to show that we want to encourage a war. We want to defend ourselves, and having lethal weapons means that we can save the lives of the military. I emphasize, this is not the encouragement of military …

  • Lithuania sends another group of military instructors to Ukraine

    Lithuania has decided to send a new group of military instructors, consisting of 12 people, to Ukraine, reports Delfi, citing the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defense.

    A ceremony to see off the new group, which included employees of the Lithuanian National Defence Volunteer Forces, was held on Friday, April 6.

    The instructors were sent to a training ground in Yavoriv, located in western Ukraine. It is assumed that the Lithuanian military, together with instructors from the United States, …

  • Lithuanian border guards prevent a Russian truck loaded with radioactive cargo from entering the country

    At a border checkpoint on Saturday evening, March 31, officers of the State Border Guard Service of Lithuania (VSAT) detected excessive radiation levels. A Volvo truck with a Schmitz semi-trailer was passing through the checkpoint, heading to Šalčininkai, in the east of Lithuania from Belarus. As it passed through the checkpoint radiation gates, the transported cargo emitted ionizing radiation levels 7.5 times higher than tolerable levels, immediately alerting the guards.

    The incident was …

  • Lithuania bans entry to 44 Russian citizens

    On Monday, March 26, Lithuania banned the entry of 44 Russian citizens. The country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs has thus officially begun to implement the blacklisting of 21 Russian officials and functionaries specified under the country’s Magnitsky law.

    So far, the list includes 70 people, including Ramzan Kadyrov, head of Chechnya, and Alexander Bastrykin, head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Vilnius authorities suspect those listed of human rights violations, …

  • Former Lithuanian ambassador: bloodshed during Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity was Putin’s plan

    In an interview with, former Lithuanian ambassador to Ukraine Petras Vaitiekunas  said that he believes that the killing of activists during the Euromaidan Revolution in February 2014 was part of Vladimir Putin’s plan.

    “The Maidan shooting was essentially the start of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, and part of the plan to seize Crimea… I am certain that the blood at the Maidan was President Putin’s plan. Removing President Yanukovych was a necessary but insufficient condition for …