Contents tagged with Lithuania

  • Lithuanian Minister of Defense: Lithuania will continue to supply lethal weapons to Ukraine

    The position of Lithuania regarding the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine remains unchanged, Ukrinform reports, citing Lithuanian Minister of Defense Raimundas Karoblis.

    "Regarding lethal weapons, we already provided them several years ago. And our position remains unchanged: we are ready to provide [weapons] in the future, but, of course, based on our capabilities," he stressed.

    Karoblis recalled that Lithuania provides Ukraine with all kinds of assistance, from training of Ukrainian …

  • Lithuanian Security and Defense committee investigates why Lithuanian trains are equipped with Russian security system

    The Lithuanian parliament’s Committee on National Security and Defense has begun an investigation into who decided to install the Russian “CLUB-U” security system on Lithuanian Railways trains during their modernization, stated Committee chairman Vytautas Bakas after a closed meeting in the Seimas, reports Delfi news agency.

    According to Bakas, the Russian system may pose a threat to national security, since it is linked to the Russian military industry.

    "We will find out the circumstances of …

  • Lithuanian Foreign Minister to discuss assistance plan for Ukraine with EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn

    Next week, the Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Linas Linkevičius, plans to discuss with the European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, the assistance plan for Ukraine, also known as the Marshall Plan, as he stated during his interview with Lithuanian news agency, Delfi.

    Next week Linkevičius will take part in an EU Council session during which he plans to meet with Hahn.

    "We have already talked about this and agreed to meet so …

  • Lithuanian Parliament approves Magnitsky Law in first reading

    The Lithuanian Seimas has adopted the so-called Magnitsky Law, which prohibits the entry of foreigners associated with large-scale corruption, money laundering and human rights violations, during the first reading, reported Delfi news agency.

    The relevant amendments to the law on the legal status of foreigners were approved by 78 deputies; one deputy voted against, and five abstained.

    According to one of the project’s initiators, conservative leader Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuania could …

  • European Union assistance plan for Ukraine presented in Lithuania

    On November 6, in the Lithuanian Seimas, ambassadors of the countries participating in the Eastern Partnership Program presented the so-called “Marshall Plan” – the EU's financial assistance plan to help Ukraine.

    According to the plan, politicians are offering to allocate 50 billion euros to Ukraine for the promotion of small and medium-sized businesses. This would begin in 2018 and extend over a period of ten years.

    “I would like to emphasize that this was first Lithuania’s plan to help …

  • Lithuanian Parliament approves 'Magnitsky Bill'

    The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lithuanian Parliament has unanimously supported the "Magnitsky Bill", which prevents foreigners connected with corruption, money laundering or violation of human rights from entering into the country, reports Delfi.Corresponding amendments, which will regulate the legal status of foreigners in Lithuania, have been proposed for inclusion in the law.

    "This will be applied as a political sanction - a ban on entry to the Republic of Lithuania for those who have …

  • Signs set up near the Soviet monuments in Lithuania stating their inconsistency with the truth

    The Biržai District Municipality in the north of Lithuania placed signs near the monuments to Red Army soldiers indicating that the inscriptions on them "are inconsistent with historical facts,” as reported by Lietuvos žinios.

    The signs that appeared near the memorials state: "The burial of soldiers of the USSR are from the times of the Second World War (an object of cultural heritage). The ideological inscriptions of the Soviet period are inconsistent with historical facts."

    These signs are …

  • Lithuania starts publishing KGB communications

    The Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania began to publish intelligence messages from agents of the KGB Soviet special service, as stated in the press release of the organization.

    "Such documents have been preserved in large numbers in the Lithuanian special archive. Their distribution will allow society to get a more accurate picture of the activities of KGB agents," the report said.

    Reports on messages from agents operating in Lithuanian immigrant organizations, the Supreme …

  • American Patriot anti-missile systems stationed in Poland will also protect Lithuanian skies

    Patriot anti-missile defense complexes that Poland plans to buy in the US will also protect Lithuanian airspace, as stated by the head of the Defense Committee of the Polish Sejm , Michael Jach, reports Delfi news agency. During the official visit to Lithuania, Jach stated that Lithuania faces the same threats as Poland.

    "The Patriot system should be the way; it could be integrated with neighboring countries," he added.

    There are currently no long-range missile defense systems in Poland and …

  • Lithuania blocks Russian TVCi channel over ‘incitement of war’

    Lithuania suspended the retransmission of the Russian TV channel TVCi Lithuania for six months for inciting war and hatred, as reported by Delfi news agency. The station is owned by the Russian State TV company, TV Center.

    According to Delfi, the Lithuanian Radio and TV Commission (LRTC) decided to suspend the retransmission two weeks ago, stating that the channel has repeated violations and the sanctions imposed earlier have not yielded any results. This decision by the commission was upheld …