Contents tagged with Lithuania

  • Lithuania calls on the US to start shipping weapons to Ukraine

    The United States should be helping Ukraine with arms supplies, said Lithuanian Minister of Defense Raimundas Karoblis on Thursday on national radio.

    "Assistance from the US should not be just symbolic, but also be the supply of specific weapons that would help neutralize modern Russian weapons available in the Donbas," Karoblis said.

    The head of the Defense Ministry expressed hope that "sooner or later such a decision will be made by Washington. Then, perhaps, the example of the United …

  • Ukrainian Minister of Defense: Lithuania is the only country which provided lethal weapons for Ukraine

    Ukraine expects that partner countries will provide it with lethal weapons. To date, only Lithuania has provided such assistance to the state, stated the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Stepan Poltorak.

    "Since the first day of aggression by the Russian Federation, we have appealed to all countries of the world to provide us with lethal weapons. We received such assistance only from Lithuania. We are ready to receive lethal weapons, but this requires the decision of the partner countries," …

  • Lithuanian Foreign Minister: Lithuania welcomes the growing support for Ukraine by the United States

    The Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Linas Linkevičius, during a meeting with the US Special Envoy on Ukraine, Kurt Volker, congratulated him on his appointment to this post and welcomed the growing attention and support that the US is giving to the region and Ukraine, as reported on the Lithuanian Foreign Affairs Ministry website.

    It is noted that Volker took part in the regional leadership conference at Vilnius University that was organized by the Lithuanian President, Valdus Adamkus. …

  • First shipment of liquefied gas from the US arrives in Latvia

    On Monday, the first gas carrier arrived in Lithuanian Klaipėda from the US export terminal Sabine Pass. Delphi writes that a ship with liquefied natural gas arrived at 5:30 in the morning.

    Paulus Jakutavičius, the representative of the enterprise Lietuvos Duju Tiekimas stated that the liquefied gas to Klaipeda was delivered by Clean Ocean tanker. This is the first batch of liquefied natural gas from America to the Baltic countries and one of the first to arrive in Eastern Europe.

    The …

  • Lithuania to send observers to Russia-Belarus Zapad-2017 exercises

    Lithuania received permission to send observers to the Russia-Belarus exercise Zapad-2017, which will be held on September 14 to 20, reported Delfi. Lithuania will observe the exercises in Belarus and the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation.

    "Lithuania... together with other states of the region received an invitation from Russia and Belarus to observe Zapad-2017 exercises," the representative of the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defense, Asta Galdikaitė said.

    She said that …

  • Lithuania seeking to abandon Russian-made software

    Lithuanian cyber security experts are searching for replacements for software developed in Russia, reported Interfax news agency.

    As stated by Vice-Minister of National Defense Edvinas Kerza, such software leaves security gaps  that allow hacking systems to gain entry. This poses problems for software used in government departments and enterprises. Lithuanian Railways, for example, uses the Klub-U navigation system developed by Izhevsk Radio Plant, which belongs to the military-industrial …

  • Saakashvili leaves Poland for Lithuania

    Former Odessa governor Mikheil Saakashvili, stripped of his Ukrainian citizenship, continues to move freely around the world. He was in Lithuania on Tuesday.

    “It is always nice to be in brotherly Lithuania, especially among the friends and founders of Lithuanian independence: Vytautas Landsbergis, ministers, members of the government and presidential candidates. I thanked the Lithuanians for supporting Ukraine and Georgia, and I am also very grateful for the position taken up regarding my …

  • Latvia, Lithuania and Germany participate in military exercises in Baltic Sea

    In the territorial waters and exclusive economic zone of Lithuania in the Baltic Sea this week, the Baltic Fleet is holding the annual Baltron Squadron Exercise 17/2, Delfi news agency reports.

    Lithuania, Latvia and Germany are participating in the exercises.

    The Latvian Navy is using the supply vessel Varonis and the minesweeper ship Rusins, and the German Navy is using the minesweeper Pegnitz.

    The Lithuanian Navy is represented by the Jotvingis staff ship, the Suduvis and Kursis …

  • Lithuanian Foreign Minister: Lithuania stands by Saakashvili in the matter of his Ukrainian citizenship revocation

    Lithuania urged Ukrainian authorities to provide the former head of Odessa Regional State Administration and former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili with an opportunity to defend his right to Ukrainian citizenship in court, as stated by Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius, reports Delfi.

    "Saakashvili should be given an opportunity to defend his rights at a transparent trial," Linkevičius said.

    Linkevičius noted that, from the standpoint of international law, Saakashvili was in …

  • Lithuania to investigate local companies doing business in Crimea

    The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement appealing to the Prosecutor General's Office in case of media reports about possible violations by some Lithuanian enterprises of the sanctions against Russia.

    "Lithuania consistently fulfills its obligations in accordance with EU Council Regulation No. 692/2014 from June 23, 2014 in implementing the restrictions that should be applied to the importation of goods of Crimean or Sevastopol origin into the European Union in response …