Contents tagged with Moldova

  • Moldovan parliament approves the bill banning Russian news broadcasts

    On December 22, the Moldovan parliament voted again for the bill banning Russian propaganda, which the country's president, Igor Dodon had previously refused to sign, reported news website.

    Maxim Lebedinsky, the Moldovan president’s legal advisor said that this project is contrary to the Constitution and has nothing to do with ensuring the information security of the country. He also stated that the provisions of the document contradicted the European Convention on Human Rights.

    " …

  • Moldova recalls its ambassador from Russia

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova decided to recall its ambassador to Russia, Andrei Neguța, to Chisinau “for an indefinite period”, as reported on the website of the Moldovan ministry.

    The ministry attributed this step to the fact that the Russian authorities did not react to cases of “harassment and intimidation” against individuals and political figures of Moldova by “officials of the Russian Federation.”

    Consultations with Neguta will focus on ways of overcoming the current …

  • Moldovan government approves the change of official language to Romanian

    The Moldovan government approved a bill to amend the Constitution and change the official language from Moldovan to Romanian, Interfax reports.

    According to the bill, it was proposed to replace the phrase in the 13th article of the Constitution that says “Moldovan language functioning on the basis of Latin writing” with “Romanian language.”

    None of the members of the government were opposed to the initiative.

    On December 5, 2013, the Constitutional Court of Moldova ruled that the state …

  • Constitutional Court of Moldova rules that the President of the country must be non-partisan

    The Constitutional Court of Moldova ruled that the President of the country must be non-partisan and must not hold any other public office, Ukrinform reports.

    "The President of the Republic of Moldova is obliged to act in the interests of the whole society, not just its part, a separate political group or a party. He cannot be a member of the party and defend its interests," the President of the Constitutional Court, Tudor Panțîru commented.

    With its decision, the Constitutional Court …

  • Ukrainian and Moldovan border guards begin joint border control

    Ukraine and Moldova have begun joint protection of the Ukrainian-Moldovan boundary bordering Transdniestria, as reported on the the State Border Service’s website.

    "On December 7, for the first time, joint patrols of the Mohyliv-Podilskyi detachment began on a section of the Velyka Kisnytsya department, and continued along the ‘green’ border, guarded by the the Studena and Bolhan subdivisions. These units are guarding the state border of Ukraine with Transdniestria for a length of about 50 km," …

  • Moldovan parliament votes for a bill banning broadcasts of Russian news programs

    The Moldovan parliament has voted in favor of a law to prohibit broadcasts of Russian news and analytical programs, Deutsche Welle reports.

    Legislative amendments passed by the Parliament on December 7 in just two readings will only permit informational and analytical programs produced in countries that have ratified the European Convention on Transfrontier Television to be relayed on the Moldovan territory. Russia signed the Convention back in 2006, but did not ratify it.

    The bill, which has …

  • Moldova refused entry to two Russian journalists

    Moldovan border policemen refused entry to VGTRK producer Marina Safronova and Zvezda TV journalist Aleksey Samolyotov upon their arrival at Chisinau airport.

    The Moldovan border police said that the reason for refusal was that the journalists did not specify the real purpose of their visit to the country.

    "They said that they came with a private visit, but could not confirm what was said, and then their real intentions were clarified," the press service of the ministry said. The border …

  • Dodon: Moldova has no chance to join EU

    According to Moldovan President Igor Dodon, the Eastern Partnership summit showed that Moldova “has no chance of joining the EU,” so the country should return to a strategic partnership with Russia, as expressed   in a statement by Dodon, in which he gave his assessment of the Eastern Partnership summit in Brussels, reported

    According to Dodon, citizens of Moldova have undergone a massive campaign of manipulation, the purpose of which was to prove that joining the European Union …

  • Moldova refuses to send MPs to inter-parliamentary group meeting in Moscow news agency, citing the press service of the Moldovan Parliament, reports that the permanent bureau of the Moldovan parliament has decided neither to send MPs nor to allocate budgetary funds for a meeting of the Moldovan-Russian Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group in Moscow.

    According to Newsmaker, those MPs wishing to go are invited to go at their own expense and without an official mandate from the Parliament.

    The possible participation of some deputies will be carried out at …

  • Moldova refused entry to Russian delegation

    The delegation from Russia that was scheduled to take part in a business forum was not allowed to enter Moldova, reports ZDG news website.

    The press service of the Moldovan Border Police reported that on the morning of November 22, ten citizens of the Russian Federation were refused entry into the country because they could not explain the reason for their visit or provide the documents that would confirm their participation in the forum.

    The mayor of the city of Bălți, Renato Usatii stated …