Contents tagged with Moldova

  • Decree to appoint Moldovan Defense Minister to be signed by Speaker of Parliament, not President Dodon

    The decree to appoint the Moldovan Minister of Defense will be signed by Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu, instead of President Igor Dodon, Newsmaker reports with reference to the Moldovan parliament’s press service.

    The decree to appoint Defense Minister Eugen Sturza, a candidate rejected twice by Dodon, may be signed by Candu on October 24, the Moldovan parliament’s press service announced.

    All the necessary documentation for the procedure will need to reach parliament from the …

  • Expert: Russian troops will be in Transnistria until it is beneficial to Russia

    The Operational Group of Russian Forces (OGRF), which is located in the northeastern part of Moldova, will not leave the unrecognized Transnistria, which borders Ukraine, until it is beneficial to the Russian Federation, as indicated by an expert, Volodymyr Kravchenko, in an article written for ZN.UA. "Russian troops will be in Transnistria until it is beneficial to Russia," the author of the article quoted the Ukrainian special representative on Transnistria settlement issues, Viktor …

  • Moldovan government asks Constitutional Court who, instead of President Dodon, can appoint Minister of Defense

    The Moldovan government appealed to the Constitutional Court with a request to determine who will appoint the Minister of Defense instead of the country’s president Igor Dodon,  reported

    The government has asked the Constitutional Court to determine the conditions under which it is justified to temporarily transfer the duties of the president of the country to approve the appointment of a defense minister and to appoint someone who will fulfill these duties.

    It was reported that …

  • President of Moldova demands dissolution of parliament and transition to presidential form of government

    The President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, in a public appeal to citizens, stated the need for early parliamentary elections and an early transition to a presidential form of government.

    Dodon explained his appeals by speaking about “unconstitutional actions” of the government, the beginning of “actions by the republic in support of a presidential form of government” and his “responsibility to the people.”

    “I am responsible only to the people of the Republic of Moldova, so that nothing can …

  • Moldovan President Dodon promises Putin that he will not pass anti-Russian laws

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon discussed his last meeting with Vladimir Putin on his Facebook page. According to Dodon, he promised the Russian president that he will not adopt laws directed against Russia.

    Dodon confirmed that the development of bilateral ties between Moscow and Chisinau was continuing "in spite of the provocations of the government and the parliamentary majority" of Moldova, who are in opposition to the President.

    Speaking about the meeting in Facebook, Dodon stressed that …

  • Russian President Putin and Moldovan President Dodon met in Sochi

    On October 10th, Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks with Moldovan President Igor Dodon while staying at his residence, Bocharov Ruchey, in Sochi. This was the sixth meeting of the presidents this year. The first was held in January, previous to that, the heads of the two countries had not met for nine years. 

    At the beginning of the talks, Putin noted that he highly appreciates Dodon's efforts to normalize Russian-Moldovan relations, although "the process is not going smoothly," as …

  • Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Moldova sign cooperation agreement in Tbilisi

    The Foreign Ministers of the GUAM countries (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Moldova) have signed a joint communiqué on their readiness to continue close cooperation, Interfax reports.

    The signing took place on Sunday, October 8, in Tbilisi. The special meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (CMFA) of GUAM was devoted to the 20th anniversary of the founding of the organization. According to Georgian Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze, they discussed prospects for further …

  • President of Moldova: Power was sent to me by God

    On a broadcast of a Moldovan TV channel, Moldovan President Igor Dodon has said that his power was sent down to him from God, Newsmaker news website reports.

    According to Dodon himself, such an idea occurred to him after a conversation with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow (secular name Vladimir Gundyaev).

    "You know, Patriarch Kirill told me at the very beginning of the mandate: 'Mr. President, this mandate was given by the Lord'," Dodon said.

    It is reported that Dodon met with Patriarch Kirill …

  • Moldova considering unification with Romania

    Dorin Duszczak, one of the leaders of the Moldovan National Unity Party, is convinced that the joint meeting of the parliaments of Moldova and Romania planned for 2018 can become a platform for the unification of the two countries.

    He expressed this opinion after a meeting in Bucharest between the Speaker of the Parliament of Moldova Andrian Candu and the leaders of the Romanian parliament, as reported by Ukrinform.

    “The joint meeting of the legislative bodies of the two countries can become …

  • Ukrainian Ambassador to Moldova: President Dodon is not welcome to visit Ukraine due to his anti-Ukrainian position

    A visit by the Moldovan President to Kyiv is not possible in the near future as Igor Dodon doesn’t respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and refers to the conflict in the Donbas as a civil war, as stated by the Ambassador of Ukraine in Chisinau, Ivan Gnatyshyn, reports.

    "As for the contacts at the highest level, I can’t imagine such a meeting given the situation where the Moldovan President, elected by a part of the Moldovan society, or even by the majority of Moldovan …