Contents tagged with Moldova

  • Moldovan Prime Minister and Transnistrian leader meet personally for the first time

    On November 18, Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip and President of the unrecognized Transnistrian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky officially opened a bridge for transport across the Dniester River near the Gura Bicului and Bicioc settlements, Moldovan news outlet NewsMaker reports.

    Movement across the bridge was initially scheduled to begin on November 20. However, the decision to allow movement immediately was made by Filip and Krasnoselsky directly on the bridge, where they met in person for …

  • The European Parliament supported the creation of trust fund for Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova

    The European Parliament voted for the recommendations of the “Eastern Partnership” summit to create a model of the “Eastern Partnership Plus” for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.

    Over 519 deputies of the European Parliament voted for it, 114 were against, 47 abstained, UNIAN reports.

    It is suggested in the EP report to create a model for countries that have association agreements with the EU and have made significant progress in implementing reforms, which "ultimately can lead to joining the …

  • Moldovan president Dodon says Moldova does not need its own army

    During an interview with the Russian publication Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Moldovan President Igor Dodon expressed the belief that Moldova does not need its own military because it is a neutral country.

     "We do not need an army. Moldova is a neutral country, [and] therefore should not have armed forces - neither on the left nor right bank of the Dniester. Who is there for us to fight with?" said Dodon.

    Dodon earlier stated that the unrecognized Transdniestria could become part of Ukraine or …

  • Moldovan President: Transnistria may become part of Ukraine

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon stated in an interview with the Russian “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” that he believes that Transnistria has two paths moving forward: to join Ukraine or be a part of Moldova.

    "I believe that all Transnistria must preserve all the powers that it has today: parliament, president, government, and flag. And we should not take a penny out of the Transnistrian budget. We should have a common state, a common budget, banking systems, a common foreign policy," Dodon said.

    The …

  • Moldova refuses two Russian historians entry into Transdniestria

    Grigori Shkundin, Vice-President of the Russian Association of World War I historians, and Dmitry Surzhik, a Research Associate at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Executive Secretary of the Russian-Belarusian Association of Historians "Union Initiative of Remembrance and Concord", were detained at the airport in Chisinau on the evening of November 2, according to RBC news agency.

    "Four scientists from Russia were to take part in a conference, ‘The Russian …

  • Moldova approves joint control of its border with Ukraine

    The Moldovan government approved the Agreement on the introduction of joint customs and border control at the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, Ukrinform reports.It was noted that the joint checkpoints will work at all points of the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, and the main purpose of introducing joint control is to simplify procedures when crossing the state border.The agreement on joint customs border control was signed between the governments of the two countries in early October in Chișinău during …

  • Moldovan Constitutional Court allowed state language change to Romanian

    The Constitutional Court of Moldova recognizes the Liberal-Democratic Party’s alleal to change the country’s official language from Moldovan to Romanian as legal, the court’s press service announced, as reported by Ukrinform.

    “The initiative of a group of MPs [to change the designation of the official language from Moldovan to Romanian] corresponds to the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova,” the court’s ruling observes.

    The court’s ruling is final and is not subject to …

  • Ruling coalition of Moldova decides not to initiate impeachment of Dodon

    Beginning the procedure for removing Moldovan President Igor Dodon from his post can bring about another political crisis, so the ruling coalition will not insist on holding a referendum on impeaching the president, as stated by the Speaker of the Parliament of Moldova Andrian Candu, reports Ukrinform.

    “Firstly, the very procedure for removing the president from office is very long. It is necessary to create a parliamentary commission, which will gather evidence of the President’s violation of …

  • UN General Assembly postpones debate on Russian troops in Transdniestria

    The UN General Assembly has indefinitely postponed debate on the issue of the complete withdrawal of Russian troops and weapons from the territory of the Transdniestrian region of Moldova, as reported by the   the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova, citing UN Spokesperson Brenden Varma.

    "Based on a statement received from the delegates, the General Assembly has postponed the decision to include the topic of the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of the Republic of …

  • Moldovan President Dodon: Swearing in of new Defense Minister violates acceptable bounds of political legitimacy

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon released a statement on the swearing in of Defense Minister Eugen Sturza. The statement was published on the president’s website.

    According to Dodon the actions of the Moldovan government have no political legitimacy.

    “The regime will fall into the pit which it is digging for others. The swearing in of the defense minister goes beyond the limits of political legitimacy and demonstrates how powerlessness forces the government to make serious mistakes.

    By not …