Contents tagged with Moldova

  • President Dodon outraged at barring of Russian journalist from Moldova

    Russian journalist Daria Aslamova, who set out for Chisinau for an interview with President Igor Dodon, has been refused entry into the country, as reported by the Moldovan President on his Facebook page.

     “I am angered by the non-admittance to our country of ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda’ correspondent Daria Aslamova”, wrote Dodon.

    He also complained that “today, it is necessary to send a personal invitation for every Russian journalist who arrives in our country.”

    According to reports by Russian …

  • Party of Moldovan President Dodon begins collecting signatures for transition to Presidential Republic

    On September 24, the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) organized the first anti-government action since the victory of its leader Igor Dodon in the presidential elections last fall.

    As reported by NewsMaker news agency, this was the day that an advisory referendum on expanding the powers of the head of state could be held, which was initiated by Dodon in the spring. His decree was later annulled by the Constitutional Court of Moldova.

    Socialists staged protest marches in …

  • Moldova begins collection of signatures for the impeachment of President Dodon

    Deputies of the Parliament of Moldova from the Liberal Party have begun collecting signatures for a bill to begin procedures for the removal of President Igor Dodon from office.

    According to parliamentary regulations, 34 of 101 deputies must sign the bill in order to register it and ensure its subsequent consideration at a Parliamentary session, reports Ukrinform news agency.

    As the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Mihai Ghimpu, said, the bill has been sent to all parliamentary …

  • Transnistria asks to join the UN, calls Moldova an aggressor

    The Parliament of the unrecognized Transnistria has adopted an appeal to the United Nations asking the United Nations to provide the unrecognized republic with the status of observer state in the organization,  Deschide news agency reports.

    The document is addressed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UN President of the General Assembly Miroslav Lajcak. The appeal was written on behalf of the leader of Transnistria, Vadim Krasnoselsky, and the so-called chairman of the Supreme …

  • Withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria included on agenda of UN General Assembly

    The UN General Assembly included on its agenda the issue of “the complete withdrawal of foreign troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova”, as reported by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova.

    “The Foreign Ministry reports that the Republic of Moldova’s statement about including on the agenda of the 72nd General Assembly of the United Nations the additional issue of the complete withdrawal of foreign troops from the territory of …

  • Moldovan President Dodon thanks Russia for its position in the face of the ‘provocations’ by Moldova’s government

    At a meeting with Valentina Matviyenko, Moldovan President Igor Dodon thanked the Russian authorities for their position regarding the actions of the Moldovan government, which oppose the actions of the Presidernt, RIA Novosti reporetd.

    Dodon met with the chairman of the Federation Council in Ashgabat, where they arrived for the opening of the 5th Asian Indoor Games. In a conversation with Matviyenko, Dodon noted that there have been both positive and negative aspects in the relations between …

  • UN delays discussion on withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    According to UN Press-Secretary Brenden Varma, consideration of including an item on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria in the agenda of the UN General Assembly has been postponed until October.

    The General Committee decided to postpone discussions on this issue in connection with an agreement between the parties concerned. Varma said that the "concerned parties" are Russia and Moldova.

    In August, Moldova asked the UN Secretary General in an official letter to include the …

  • Moldovan President Dodon nominates his own candidate for the post of Minister of Defense

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon rejected the candidacy of Eugen Sturza, who was nominated by the ruling coalition for the post of defense minister, instead proposing to the government his own candidate, General Victor Gaiciuc.The Moldovan leader announced this at a briefing held in Chisinau, Ukrinform reports.

    "Today I sent a letter to the Prime Minister rejecting the candidacy of Eugen Sturza for the post of Minister of Defense. Mr. Sturza is an incompetent man in the military sphere, with no …

  • Moldovan President Dodon promises to punish military for participating in NATO exercises

    The pro-Russian president of Moldova, Igor Dodon, has signed a decree suspending the government's decision, published in the Official Monitor, to send a military contingent of the National Army to the Rapid Trident-2017 exercises in Ukraine.At the same time, he promised to lower the ranks of servicemen who left for the exercises, Presidential spokesman Ion Ceban wrote on his Facebook page.

    "The government's decision to send Moldovan soldiers to the exercises in Ukraine was suspended by …

  • Despite president Dodon’s ban Moldovan military will take part in exercises in Ukraine

    A contingent of 57 servicemen of the National Army of Moldova is participating in the NATO Rapid Trident 2017 military exercise, which will be held at the International Peacekeeping and Security Center in Yavoriv, Lviv region, from September 7th to 23rd, as reported by the Ministry of Defense of Moldova.

    According to the commander of the Moldovan contingent, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Markutsi, the goal of the exercises is to improve the level of coordination between troops, strengthen the …