Contents tagged with Moldova

  • Moldovan Prime Minister wants to send military to exercises in Ukraine despite Dodon's ban

    The Government of the Republic of Moldova will seek the participation of Moldovan military in the international exercise Rapid Trident-2017 in Ukraine, stated Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip at a cabinet meeting.

    He urged the ministers to find an opportunity to send a Moldovan contingent to the exercises.

    "The trip to the exercises in Ukraine was canceled a day before. Before that five other trips were canceled the same way. I believe that there is no reason for this. It's no secret that …

  • Moldovan pro-presidential party calls for cancellation of the Association Agreement with the EU

    The oppositional, pro-presidential Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) will insist on the annulment of the Association Agreement with the European Union, as noted in a statement by the Political Executive Committee of the party, Ukrinform reports.

    "The Political Council of the PCRM states that the party remains committed to the need for the early annulment of the Association Agreement with the EU, and we will insist on and work towards it. This is our political task and …

  • President Dodon forbids Moldovan military from participating in exercises in Ukraine

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon banned Moldovan servicemen from participating in the Rapid Trident multinational military exercises which will be held from September 7 to 23 in Ukraine. “The participation of Moldovan servicemen in military exercises outside the country is not acceptable,” Dodon wrote on his Facebook page.

    He published a letter from Acting Defense Minister George Galbura, in which the Minister asked for permission to participate in the military exercises, along with the answer to …

  • Lavrov: Russia is being pushed into war with Ukraine and Moldova

    The withdrawal of the Russian military from Transnistria was initiated by those who want a war between Russia, Ukraine and Moldova, stated Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during his conversation with MGIMO (Moscow State University) students.

    "I do not think that we can predict a war. Nobody wants this, except for those who were directing the hand of representatives of the Moldovan government, when they wrote a statement on the need to withdraw our military personnel from Transnistria. …

  • Transnistria protests Chisinau’s deportation of Russian delegation

    Diplomats of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic accused the Moldovan authorities of deporting delegation members from Russia and South Ossetia who were traveling to Transnistria, as   reported on the official site of the Transnistrian Foreign Ministry.

    “The actions of the representatives of the Republic of Moldova are evidence of yet another cycle of  Chișinău’s use of mechanisms to filter foreign guests heading for Transnistria,” the statement reads.

    According to the …

  • Moldovan opposition accuses Dodon of treason and promoting interests of Russia

    The Moldovan opposition party, the Action and Solidarity Party, appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office to prosecute the country's President Igor Dodon “for promoting the interests of the Russian Federation and treason,” Ukrinform news agency reports.

    “In breaking the provisions of the Constitution and the oath taken by the Moldovan president at the time of his inauguration, citizen Igor Dodon openly promotes the interests of another state - the Russian Federation. Congratulating the …

  • Moldovan Prime Minister: Chisinau will not change its position on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip said in an interview with RIA Novosti that Chisinau will not change its position regarding the inclusion of the issue of withdrawing foreign military personnel from the territory of the republic to the UN General Assembly’s agenda.

    Earlier, the permanent representative of Moldova to the United Nations, Victor Moraru, sent a letter to the UN Secretary General stating that the country expects to include the issue of withdrawing foreign military personnel in …

  • Kremlin summons Moldovan ambassador over Moldova’s demands for withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of Moldova, Andrei Neguţa, to a meeting with Deputy Minister Sergey Ryabkov, reported Dozhd  TV channel . According to the report, the ambassador was summoned because of  the initiative of the Moldovan authorities to include an additional item "Complete withdrawal of foreign armed forces from the territory of Moldova" on the agenda of the UN General Assembly. The ministry said that they consider this step as "another one in the series of …

  • Moldovan President Dodon rejects idea of withdrawing Russian forces from Transnistria

    In an interview with RIA Novosti, Moldovan President Igor Dodon called the Moldovan government’s initiative to withdraw Russian forces from Transnistria “yet another anti-Russian démarche”.  

    Dodon emphasized that the decision to discuss the withdrawal of Russian forces in the UN “will remain only at the level of a declaration”.

    “The Moldovan government has been going in reverse for a long time, after recognizing the mistake, that the peacekeeping operation on the Dniester cannot be touched, …

  • Moldova calls for complete withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    Moldova asked the United Nations to include in the General Assembly’s 72nd session agenda the issue of the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria. A letter from the Permanent Representative of Moldova to the UN, Victor Moraru was made public on Tuesday, August 22.

    Chișinău is convinced that the presence of Russian troops "is a threat to maintaining international peace and security," the letter says. Moraru asked the UN to support Moldova's efforts aimed at completing the …