Contents tagged with Moldova

  • Russian Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin threatened sanctions against those who prevented him from visiting Moldova

    Russia is preparing sanctions against those involved in denying Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin entry into Romanian airspace. The incident prevented him from making a planned visit to Moldova, said Rogozin during an interview on channel Russia 24, reports TASS.

    "There will be an answer, of course. We will definitely establish who was behind these decisions in Chisinau, Bucharest, Budapest and Brussels. We will identify the persons who made these decisions. Our sanctions will be …

  • Moldova denies entry to Russian artists and MPs

    The border authorities of Moldova have banned a Russian MP from the LDPR party, Pavel Shperov, from entry into the country's territory, reported Omega Media Group, citing a source in the Moldovan Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    According to the source, the MP was not allowed to leave the airport in Chisinau, and "was sent back on the nearest flight to Moscow" without an explanation why. The agency spokesman added that the border authorities also detained an additional ten people who were …

  • Moldovan parliament speaker condemns President Dodon for plans to reward Russian peacekeepers

    Moldovan Speaker of the Parliament Andrian Candu has criticized the intentions of President Igor Dodon to present official awards to Russian peacekeepers, urging him not to confuse official awards with protocol gifts.The Speaker wrote about this on his Facebook page.

    "On one of the Russian TV channels, President Dodon, in order to show his support for Moscow, boasts that he violates and will violate the Constitution. Angry at the tough position of the Parliament, which is expressed in a …

  • Moldovan parliament calls on Russia to withdraw its troops from Transnistria

    The Moldovan Parliament has called on Russia to withdraw its troops and weapons from the Transnistrian region, as stated in a declaration adopted by the parliament.

    "Based on the provisions of the Constitution, according to which the Republic of Moldova is an independent, sovereign, unitary and indivisible state, and also in accordance with the permanent constitutional neutrality of our country and with a view to consolidating national and regional security, the Parliament of the Republic of …

  • Moldova demands that Russia withdraws its soldiers and weapons from Transnistria

    The Republic of Moldova is demanding that Russia comply with its international obligations and withdraw its troops and weapons from Transnistria, reported the press service of the ruling Democratic Party in Moldova after a speech by the party leader Vlad Plahotniuc at the Council Meeting of Socialist International in New York.

    “At this forum I would like to recall the legitimate demands of the authorities of the Republic of Moldova: We insist that Russia complete the withdrawal of their troops …

  • President Dodon: Moldova will never be anti-Russian

    Igor Dodon, the President of Moldova assured that Chisinau would never pursue an anti-Russian policy, RIA Novosti reports.

    “I am absolutely against Moldova considering even the possibility of joining NATO... If someone tries to use Moldova as cannon fodder in the fight against Russia, I mean the goals of NATO. We see what they want and achieve in this region. We see what some Western forces in Ukraine have achieved unfortunately... We do not need such scenarios,” Dodon said in an interview on …

  • Former president of Transdniestria has secretly fled to Moldova

    Yevgeny Shevchuk, the former president of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), has secretly left the country, as reported on Wednesday, June 28, on Facebook by the speaker of the PMR Supreme Council, Alexander Shcherba.

    "During the night, he crossed the Dniester River on a vessel and reached Moldova," the chairman of the Transnistrian parliament wrote.

    According to Shcherba, the former leader of Transdniestria was to attend a session of the Supreme Council which was …

  • Moldova wants to ban Russian TV news

    The Democratic Party of Moldova intends to register a bill in parliament to combat foreign propaganda, including Russian propaganda.

    Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament Andrian Candu said that there are plans to stop broadcasting the "news and political and analytical programs" produced by Russian TV channels.

    Earlier, the Moldovan parliament discussed a draft on restricting the broadcasts of information and analytical programs of TV channels from the states that had not ratified the European …

  • Defying President's veto Moldovan parliament approves protocol on military cooperation with Romania

    The Moldovan parliament overrode the veto of President Igor Dodon and re-ratified the protocol on military cooperation with Romania on Friday, June 9.

    The protocol had been ratified as early as March 30 but the head of the state, opposed to expanding the relations of Moldova with NATO and refused to sign it. Deputies from the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova who support Dodon voted against it.

    "The protocol directly contradicts the Constitution and the principle of permanent …

  • Lavrov: Russia could impose restrictions on Moldovan migrants in response to the expulsion of Russian diplomats

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that in response to the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Moldova, Moscow could impose restrictions on the work of Moldovan migrant workers, but the Russian authorities decided not to resort to this decision.

    "President Putin decided not to do this at this stage. He communicated with Moldovan President Igor Dodon in St. Petersburg and they reached such an agreement," TASS quoted Lavrov as saying.

    According to the head of the Russian diplomatic …