Contents tagged with Moldova

  • Moldova has refuted plans to introduce a visa regime with the Russian Federation

    The Moldovan Foreign Ministry has denied media reports that the country's authorities intend to introduce a visa policy with Russia.

    "The information that appeared in the media about the Moldovan authorities' intention to introduce a visa policy between the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation is not factual," the ministry explained.

    Earlier, an article in Izvestia, cited sources stating that the Moldovan parliament was discussing the introduction of a visa policy for Russian …

  • Moldovan President Dodon promises 'to overthrow the parliament and the government in all possible ways'

    During an official visit to the training ground in Bulboaca ,the President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, accused the government and parliament of “being influenced from abroad” and threatened that he “would overthrow its authority in every possible way”, reported the office of the President of the Republic of Moldova.

    “Together with the people of Moldova, we will direct our efforts to overthrow this authority in every possible way, including convening the Great National Assembly and …

  • Media: Moldova wants to control travel of Transnistrian officials

    The Moldovan government is discussing the idea of introducing a system of exit notices for officials from Transnistria, which is not controlled by Chișinău, Kommersant newspaper reports.

    Representatives of the unrecognized republic’s authority structures, including the leaders, may be obligated to inform Chișinău of their trips abroad ahead of time.

    Active discussion of the new rules began after Transnistrian President Vadim Krasnoselsky visited London in June and was received at the British …

  • The US suspended its military assistance to Moldova

    The United States has temporarily suspended the provision of military technology and equipment to Moldova due to the lack of participation by Moldovan servicemen in international exercises, as stated by the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the United States in Chişinău, James Pettit, during a visit to the military training base in Bulboaca, Ukrinform reports.

    "We are not talking about halting financial assistance from the US. We are pausing the provision of equipment for the …

  • Russia accuses US of preparing Moldovan special forces for conflict with Transnistria

    Russia accused the US of training Moldovan special forces for a possible new conflict with unrecognized Transnistria, as stated by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin on Facebook.

    “The design and construction of facilities to practice military operations in the context of urban warfare – the Americans are starting to train saboteurs and the Moldovan special forces for a possible new armed conflict with Transnistria” Rogozin said. Notably, Rogozin made reference to research from the …

  • President Dodon asked Russia not to impose sanctions against Moldova

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon promised during a meeting with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin to support a strategic dialogue between the two countries. At the same time, Dodon appealed to Moscow with a request to refrain from sanctions after Rogozin was declared persona non grata in Moldova.

    The meeting between Dodon and Rogozin took place in Tehran. Initially, it was planned to be held in Chisinau on July 28, but Romania did not permit the plane carrying the Russian official …

  • Moldova accuses Russia of secretly preparing a military exercise in Transnistria

    The Moldovan delegation to the Joint Control Commission (JCC) is expressing concern about the preparations for another military exercise in the unrecognized Transnistria (a.k.a. the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, which is not recognized by the United Nations) with the participation of the Russian military peacekeepers, as stated in the bulletin issued by the Bureau of Reintegration under the government of Moldova.

    "A significant number of military vehicles and special military equipment …

  • Russia suspends import of pork from Romania after Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin was denied entry

    Russia imposed a temporary ban on the supply of live pigs and pig products from Romania a few days after Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin was refused entry into the country, reported by Novosti with reference to a statement by Rosselkhoznadzor (Russia’s Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance).

    Russia explained that the reason for the ban on the supply of live pigs and pig products from Romania is the outbreak of African swine fever in the country.

    “ …

  • Moldova declares Russian Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin a persona non grata

    The Moldovan government adopted a ruling to declare Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin a persona non grata.

    As reported by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI), according to the adopted ruling, the Russian deputy prime minister is banned from entering Moldova and from transit through its territory.“Russian ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Chișinău Farit Mukhametshin was invited to the MFAEI in connection with the recent …

  • Moldova: Presence of Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria contributes to freezing the conflict

    The Moldovan government believes that the presence of Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria helps to freeze the Pridnestrovian conflict. This was expressed in a statement distributed by the government on the 25th anniversary of the peacekeeping mission to Transnistria.

    The Moldovan government said that it appreciates the positive contribution of the peacekeeping operation on the Dniester since the end of July 1992, but regrets to report that this operation has still not been able to provide the …