Contents tagged with Moldova

  • Ukraine will not allow Transnistrian diplomatic mission in Kyiv

    The speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kateryna Zelenko, said that Kyiv will not agree to open a "diplomatic representation" of the unrecognized republic of Transnistria in Ukraine. 

    "We already have diplomatic representation, and this is a representation of Moldova," said Zelenko as quoted by news outlet. 

    According to her, Ukraine, as a guarantor country, will continue its efforts in the Transnistrian settlement. 

    Earlier the leader of unrecognized Transnistria, Vadim …

  • Transnistria hopes to open embassy in Kyiv

    Vadim Krasnoselsky, head of the unrecognized republic of Transnistria, has announced his intention to open embassies for his republic in Brussels and in Kyiv.

    “The head of Transnistria’s government has instructed the ministry of foreign affairs to open official Transnistrian embassies in Kyiv and Brussels,” the republic’s foreign ministry reported.

    However, the primary task of the Transnistrian foreign ministry is “to practically implement the national idea of Transnistria, which consists in …

  • President Dodon: Putin agreed to allow supply of Moldovan goods to Russia through Ukraine

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon announced that he had reached an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin to supply Moldovan goods to Russia through Ukraine starting on January 31.

    “I think this is the most important agreement that all our producers have been waiting for because all producers of wine, canned food and other products from the Republic of Moldova were subject to these restrictions from January 1. Today we have solved this, and I think it is a great achievement,” the Moldovan …

  • Moldova counts on Romania’s support in integration with European Union

    The Moldovan government expects an improvement in the relations with the European Union, counting on the support of Romania, which will be holding EU presidency next year.

    “The role of the president of the EU Council implies impartial and professional management of the issues on the agenda – from the simplest issues to the most complex ones,” said Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila.

    According to Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration of Moldova Iurie Leanca, “this is a unique …

  • Moldovan President Dodon counts on Russian peacekeepers to ensure stability in Transnistria

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon wrote on Facebook after a meeting with the President of unrecognized Transnistria, Vadim Krasnoselsky that he considers Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria a defining factor of stability in the region. 

    "[We] reaffirmed the importance of preserving the existing peacekeeping operation as a factor in maintaining stability and peace in the security zone. It was also noted that some challenges occurred in the area this year, but with joint efforts we managed to …

  • Russia caught interfering in Moldovan elections

    Chisinau has declassified a report investigating interference by the Open Dialogue Foundation and its Russian founder, Lyudmila Kozlovskaya, in Moldova’s internal affairs by financing Moldovan political parties, reported the Moldovan state news agency, citing the press service of the Moldovan parliament.

    “The commission has reached the conclusion that Open Dialogue’s actions were of a subversive nature and constituted a threat to the state security of the Republic of Moldova,” the report …

  • Moldovan Parliament threatens to dismiss President Dodon from office

    The Moldovan Parliament may suspend President Dodon, stated Moldovan Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu, reported  DW.

    Candu said that the deputies may adopt a corresponding resolution by the end of this year, despite the fact that their four-year mandate expired on November 30.

    The speaker added that after the expiration of powers, the parliament has no right to pass laws, but it can pass resolutions.

    "Parliament will not have to pass a law to suspend the president, since this can be done by …

  • Moldova condemns upcoming elections in DPR and LPR

    In a statement published on its website, the Moldovan Foreign Ministry condemned the forthcoming elections in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.

    “The Republic of Moldova reaffirms its strong support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within internationally recognized borders and joins the United States, EU countries, Canada, and UN member states, condemning the intention of the so-called DPR and LPR to organize “elections” on …

  • Ukraine and Moldova agree on increasing military cooperation

    During the 2018 Arms and Security Expo on Thursday, October 11th, Ukrainian state-owned enterprise Promoboronexport and the Moldovan Ministry of Defense signed a memorandum of cooperation, reports the press service of the state defense company Ukroboronprom.

    It is indicated that the agreement includes the parties providing services to overhaul and modernize armored and aviation equipment. Also, the parties agreed on the possible supply of Ukrainian military equipment to the Armed Forces of …

  • Moldovan Prime Minister demands withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    During a speech at the UN General Assembly, Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip demanded that Russia withdraw its troops from Transnistria, according to Moldovan government website.

    “We call upon the Russian Federation to stop their illegal and provocative actions and resume the withdrawal of the armed forces in accordance with the commitments made at OSCE summit in Istanbul in 1999,” said the Prime Minister.

    He explained that the withdrawal of the Russian troops from the territory of Moldova …