Contents tagged with Moldova

  • Moldova: 'strange' movement of Russian weapons and equipment observed in Transnistria

    In Transnistria, dozens of cargo trucks with no license plates have been moving weapons and ammunition to unknown locations from a warehouse in the town of Cobasna, stated the head of the Moldavian parliament, Andrian Candu.

    “When the agreement is not observed, when the movement [of weapons] like this takes place, we understand the situation we are in regarding the safety of the country,” he said.

    According to the speaker, all attempts made by the Moldavian officers from the United mission to …

  • An assistant of the Moldovan oligarch Platon was detained in Kyiv

    In Kyiv, police detained a citizen of Moldova named Alexander Balike who is known to have close ties to the Moldovan oligarch Veaceslav Platon, news outlet reports. Balike was detained for extradition to Moldova where he is being investigated for committing several serious crimes.

    The detainee is also a suspect in offences committed in the territory of Ukraine. Ukrainian lawyer Alexei Shevchuk, who is leading a case against Platon stated on his Facebook page that the law enforcement …

  • Ukraine and Moldova pledge further military cooperation

    During a meeting in Odessa, Minister of Defense of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak and Minister of Defense of Moldova Eugen Sturza agreed on further cooperation of the two countries in the area of defense, as reported on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

    “First of all, it involves conducting joint exercises both bilaterally and in cooperation with NATO and individual allies, developing cooperation at the headquarters level for the types of armed forces of the two powers, joint actions in the …

  • Putin invited Moldovan President Dodon to the opening ceremony of FIFA 2018 World Cup

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon will take part in the opening ceremony of the FIFA World Cup at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Dodon on Tuesday in an interview with the NTV-Moldova television channel.

    "Next week I will be at the World Cup, as I promised Putin in response to his invitation. There will be an opportunity to talk with many leaders of state, including Vladimir Vladimirovich. During the first match I will be rooting for Russia and, overall, I have a few …

  • Constitutional Court of Moldova recognizes the law on combating Russian propaganda as legitimate

    On Monday, June 4, the Constitutional Court of Moldova recognized that the law “on combating Russian propaganda” is in fact consistent with the constitution of the country.

    The Constitutional Court rejected Moldovan President Igor Dodon’s request. The decision of the court is final and entered into force immediately.

    On December 7 of last year, the Parliament of Moldova adopted amendments to the “code of audiovisual media services,” which calls for a prohibition on rebroadcasting of …

  • Moldova abolishes law granting Russian language interethnic status

    The Constitutional Court of Moldova recognized that the law on language statuses, which was adopted in 1989, was outdated. The law defines the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication in the country, Ukrinform reports.

    The point of the initiative was "to recognize the Law on the Functioning of Languages on the Territory of the Moldavian SSR as obsolete," Chairman of the Constitutional Court Mihai Poalelungi said.

    The decision of the Constitutional Court partially …

  • Moldovan President Dodon opposes withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon does not support the demand of parliamentary spokesman Andrian Candu that Russian forces should withdraw from Transnistria. In an interview with RIA Novosti, the Moldovan president called this demand an attempt to curry good PR ahead of parliamentary elections.

    “This is being done ahead of parliamentary elections and concerns the internal political situation. It is an attempt to gain additional support from the pro-Europe aligned Moldovan citizens. I hope that …

  • Moldova calls on Russian troops not to participate in the Victory Day parade in Transnistria

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova called on so-called Operational Group of Russian Forces (OGRF) not to participate in the Victory Day military parade in Transnistria on May 9, Deschide news agency reports, citing a statement by the Moldovan Foreign Ministry.

    According to the statement, information about the organization of the military parade on May 9 was published in the local press.

    The Ministry stated that "it disapproves of the decision and the attitude …

  • Kyiv: Ukraine ready to provide corridor for withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    Ukraine is ready to provide Russian troops with a corridor for withdrawing from Transnistria, the special representative for the Transdniestrian settlement, Viktor Kryzhanovskiy stated. The diplomat said that Kyiv will provide Russian troops with a corridor immediately, as soon as the Russians are ready to begin the withdrawal process.

    "Our position is unchanged. We will provide the territory. We will ensure the unhindered and safe withdrawal of Russian troops and ammunition from the territory …

  • Ukraine and Moldova sign an agreement on air traffic

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine signed an agreement on air traffic with the government of Moldova, Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman announced on Twitter. According to Groysman, it is “a protocol that will improve transport and automobile cooperation."

    Groysman also said that a Memorandum on the synchronization of the work of energy systems with the energy system of Europe was signed. Recently, Ukraine also completed the ratification of the treaty with Moldova on joint border …