Contents tagged with Moldova

  • Ukraine ratifies the agreement on joint border control with Moldova

    On Thursday, April 12, President Petro Poroshenko signed a law ratifying the intergovernmental agreement on joint border control between Ukraine and Moldova from October 6, 2017. Poroshenko signed the documents during his meeting with the Prime Minister of Moldova, Pavel Filip, who was in Kyiv for a state visit, according to the Ukrainian President’s website. The first joint control procedures were introduced in June last year at the “Kuchurgan-Pervomaysk” border crossing point.

    During the …

  • President Dodon calls expulsion of Russian diplomats from Moldova an 'anti-Russian provocation'

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon has condemned the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Moldova as an “anti-Russian provocation."

    He wrote this in Facebook in a comment on the decision by the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to declare three Russian diplomats persona non grata.

    "I express my profound indignation at the decision of the Government to expel Russian diplomats from the Republic of Moldova. I categorically condemn this as a new anti-Russian provocation," Dodon said.

    The President …

  • Moldova to expel Russian diplomats

    Moldova has declared three Russian diplomats personae non gratae, who must leave the country within seven days, as reported by the press service of the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

    On March 27, Moldova’s Foreign Ministry summoned Russian Ambassador Farid Mukhametshin. He was given a verbal protest note, according to which three Russian diplomats were declared personae non gratae and ordered to leave the country within a week.

    The decision was made by the …

  • Moldovan ex-MP sentenced to 14 years in prison for espionage for Russia

    A Former MP of the Moldovan parliament, Iurie Bolboceanu, was sentenced to 14 years in prison on charges of high treason and espionage for Russia, as reported by Interfax, citing the press service of Moldovan Prosecutor General's Office.

    "According to the verdict of the court of Chisinau, former deputy Iurie Bolboceanu was found guilty of committing a crime under Article. 337 cl. 1 "Treason", and sentenced to 14 years in a closed prison and the inability to hold public office for 4 years," the …

  • Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia agreed to establish an inter-Parliamentary assembly

    The parliament speakers of Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova have agreed to establish an Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the three countries, Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy stated at a press briefing in Kyiv, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    "Given the need for deepening cooperation in the Black sea area, I have kickstarted the establishment of a trilateral Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia, especially taking into consideration that our three countries have some …

  • Ukraine and Moldova call on European countries to stop Nord Stream-2 pipeline

    The Speakers of the Parliaments of Ukraine and Moldova signed an open letter to the Chairmen of the Parliaments of the European countries calling the Nord Stream-2 pipeline “a destabilizing factor”, as reported by the press service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In particular, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Andriy Parubiy, and the speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Andrian Candu, recognized the Nord Stream-2 as Russia’s attempt to weaken Ukraine and Moldova.

    "In this …

  • Moldova's Minister of Defense wants to upgrade the army according to to EU and NATO standards

    Moldovan Minister of Defense Eugen Sturza intends to insist on the modernization and rearmament of the National Army in accordance with EU and NATO standards.

    Sturza wrote about this on his Facebook page, commenting on the decision by President Igor Dodon to include the issue of the feasibility of equipping the army with "lethal weapons" in the agenda of the Supreme Security Council.

    "I have repeatedly stated publicly about my desire to establish a proper institutional relationship with the …

  • Ukraine's Parliament ratifies agreement with Moldova on joint border control

    The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the Agreement between the governments of Ukraine and Moldova on the joint control of persons, vehicles, goods, and articles in joint border crossing points through the Ukrainian-Moldovan state border, UNIAN reports.

    234 deputies voted in favor of this decision, whereas the minimum required number of support votes is 226.

    The law (No. 0175) provides for the ratification of the Treaty, concluded on October 6, 2017 in Moldova.

    According to the explanatory …

  • Moldovan prime minister calls on Russia to withdraw its troops from Transnistria

    Pavel Filip, Moldovan Prime Minister, during his speech at the Munich Security Conference, said that if Russia "sincerely wants to help resolve the Transnistria conflict, it must withdraw its armed forces and ammunition from the territory of the Republic of Moldova."

    According to him, after that the countries could have "balanced, friendly relations."

    Earlier, the Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament, Andrian Candu said that in Transnistria, Russia is an "occupying force." Moldova, he said, …

  • Ukrainian companies, including Roshen, supply products to unrecognized Transdniestria

    The Ukrainian offices of well-known global brands, including the company Roshen, are supplying their products to the unrecognized Transdniestria. This was referred to in an investigation by journalists from the Moldovan publication RISE Moldova.

    According to the investigation, the Ukrainian branches of Coca-Cola and Nestle, as well as President Petro Poroshenko’s company Roshen, are among the largest exporters of goods to the Moldovan Transdniestrian Republic. Their main trading partner is the …