Contents tagged with Moldova

  • President of Moldova Dodon speaks about Putin’s warning

    President of Moldova Igor Dodon said in an interview with that his Russian counterpart, President Vladimir Putin does not mind if Moldova is friends with anyone, as long it’s not someone who is against Russia.

    "Vladimir Vladimirovich told me: ‘Who you want to be friends with isn’t a problem as long as you aren’t friends with our enemies. We want to be friends and work with you, buy your apples and wine and visit you. We want to sell energy and other resources at good prices. But if …

  • Moldavian Parliament appoints new ministers against President Dodon’s wishes

    Speaker of the Moldavian Parliament Andrian Candu signed decrees on the appointment of two new ministers, reports Sputnik Moldova. Silvia Radu became the Minister of Health, Labor and Social Security while Nikolai Chubuk became the Minister of Agriculture. 

    “The oath-taking ceremony took place in the government residence. Decrees on the appointment of members to the Cabinet of Ministers came into force after signing,” the news agency reports. 

    Moldavian President Igor Dodon was against these …

  • Moldovan President Dodon involved in a car crash

    Two cars from the convoy of Moldovan President Igor Dodon were involved in an accident on September 9, on the Chisinau-Calarasi Road. The president, his mother and two security officers were hospitalized, reports Newsmaker.

    “One of the cars in the convoy hit a truck carrying poultry and turned over,” the statement said.

    The video from the dashboard camera of one of the cars shows how the truck veered off its lane and crashed into the oncoming car of the convoy.

    Igor Dodon and his mother …

  • Russian troops conduct exercises in Transnistria

    Military exercises involving the armed forces of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and servicemen of the Operational Group of the Russian Armed Forces in the region (about 200 people) are held at the training ground in Tiraspol, Ukrinform reports.

    According to the published data by the so-called Defense Ministry of Transdniestria, military exercises with the participation of artillery units are conducted "with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of interaction between …

  • Poroshenko expects Moldovan President Dodon to recognize the annexation of Crimea as illegal

    On August 28, at the meeting with the leaders of foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko announced on August 28 that he expects the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon to recognize Russia’s annexation of the Crimea as illegal.

    “We now have very fruitful relations at the intergovernmental level. The Moldovan President is well aware of my expectations regarding clear support of the independence of our state, including the Crimea. We expect a firm …

  • Ukraine proposes to Moldova a joint construction of a bridge across the Dniester

    The Ukrainian government is going to offer Moldova a joint effort to build a bridge across the Dniester in Yampil, reported  the press service of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers.

    “Until now, the connection between the two European countries in the area near the borders of Yampil and Cosauti, which is 100 km away from each other, is still a ferry. This has not been meeting the needs of our times and the real needs of our governments for quite some time. Building a modern bridge is reflected …

  • Moldova: Russia is provoking us

    Russia is provoking Moldova in Transnistria, stated by the Moldovan Minister of Defense Eugen Sturza on his Facebook page.

    “Some think that by making threats you can be a friend. If you climb over your neighbor’s fence and threaten them, can you expect them to be your friend? Paradoxically, this is what our neighbor, Russia, is trying to do, conducting military exercises with the crossing of the Dniester. Such exercises in the Security Zone, with unmarked armored trucks involved, is a …

  • OSCE Moldova: Russia conducted unauthorized military exercises in Transnistrian Security Zone

    The OSCE Mission in Moldova expressed its concern that on August 14 and 15, the Operational Group of Russian Forces in Transnistria conducted unauthorized military exercises, including the crossing of the Dniester River in the Security Zone, reported the press service of the Moldovan representation of the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM).

    Note that in accordance with its mandate, the OSCE deployed its observers to the relevant part of the Security Zone. However, the team was banned from …

  • President of Moldova speaks against withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    In his statement on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the beginning of the peacekeeping operation in Transnistria, Moldovan President Igor Dodon said that he is in favor of keeping the so-called peacekeeping mission in the Dniester valley security zone, which includes Russian military personnel, Ukrinform news agency reports.

    "On July 29, 1992 ... military troops were deployed to carry out a joint peacekeeping operation in the security zone on the banks of the Dniester. Despite any …

  • Media: more than 50 Moldovan mercenaries fighting in Donbas for LPR and the DPR

    More than 50 Moldovan mercenaries are fighting in the east of Ukraine for Russian for the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) and Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), reported the Moldovan publication Ziarul de Garda with a reference to data from the Security and Intelligence Service of Moldova (SIS). However, according to unofficial data, the number of Moldovan mercenaries in Donbass is close to 100 people.

    As journalists note, mercenary activity in Moldova has intensified with the …