Contents tagged with SBU

  • Ukrainian Security Service thwarts purchase of Russian-made parts for armored vehicles at inflated prices

    Officials of the state-owned company "Zhytomyr Armor Plant" (part of the Ukrainian defense concern Ukroboronprom) mishandled public funds during the purchase of spare parts of dubious quality, reported the press service of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). In the spring of 2019, the company announced a tender for the purchase of components for more than 1.5 million hryvnias ($60,000 USD). The winner of the tender of the State Defense Order was a company from the Kyiv region. The terms of …

  • Former DPR 'minister' turns himself in to Ukrainian Security Service

    Igor Ivakin, former “minister of coal industry” of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), has been brought into Kyiv-controlled territory in a special operation by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), the SBU’s press service reported.

    The man regularly used to attend sessions of the “DPR government” and actively participated in the formation of the ministry’s internal policy.

    In particular, he regulated the activity of companies in the coal mining industry, as well as the distribution of …

  • Ukrainian Security Service arrests LPR militant during special operation in Donbas

    The counterintelligence branch of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has brought a militant from the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) into Kyiv-controlled territory and arrested him in a special operation. The SBU’s press service reported that the detainee was wanted for suspected involvement in a terrorist organization and for violating the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine.

    The detainee, a resident of the Luhansk province between 2014-2015, was actively involved in the …

  • Ukraine’s security service could oversee defense component imports from Russia

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) should oversee the purchasing of components for military equipment from Russia in order to reduce the level of corruption, said Anna Kovalenko, a Ukrainian MP from the Servant of the People party.

    “To this day, there is a large quantity of equipment produced in Russia in the armament of our armed forces. The state budget is not yet able to replace it with western models – it’s expensive. We should support the combat readiness of this armament. In this …

  • Ukrainian Security Service explains why LPR representatives who crossed into Ukraine over the bridge in Stanytsia Luhanska were not arrested

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said that arresting Vladislav Deynego and Olga Koptseva, members of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) who crossed the bridge in Stanytsia Luhanska, would have constituted grounds for accusing Ukraine of breaking the Minsk Agreements.

    “The appearance of ‘parliamentarians’ of the quasi-republics near the Stanytsia Luhanska checkpoint is deliberate, conscious and targeted provocation from the terrorists and their Russian supervisors. Arresting Koptseva and …

  • Ukrainian Defense Ministry receives seized Russian surface-to-air missile system

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) together with the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, Ukraine’s national defense corporation Ukroboronservice and the Mykolayiv Customs Service have handed over the Russian anti-aircraft missile system S-125 Pechora to Ukrainian Defense Ministry, reports SBU press service.

    During the investigation,  SBU established that between 2007-2010, the officials of Russia’s national defense corporation Rosoboronexport , with the help of other individuals,  illegally …

  • Double agent of Ukrainian Security Service evacuated from DPR

    A double agent recruited by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) who worked in the Military Prosecution Office of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has been evacuated from the occupied territory, the Ukrainian Military Portal reports, citing materials from the Facts of the Week program.

    The double agent Serhiy Lukyanenko had already provided the SBU with important information about Ukrainian hostages and the presence of Russian military personnel in the temporarily occupied territory. …

  • Ukraine releases sailors from captured Russian tanker

    Russian Embassy in Kyiv stated that crew members of the Russian ship NEYMA that were detained by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in the port of Izmail have been released, reports RIA Novosti news agency. At the same time, the tanker remains under arrest.

    The sailors were released with obligation to appear for questioning. They are currently considered to be witnesses in the case, reports news outlet.

    As previously reported, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) together with …

  • Ukrainian Security Service files case against all of Ukraine’s film distribution companies

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has initiated a criminal case against all of Ukraine’s film distribution companies, accusing them of sending funds to Russia’s intelligence agencies and sabotaging Ukrainian films, the court materials state.

    The case was initiated based on a request from a member of parliament, who said that Ukraine’s film distribution market is split between the B&H Film Distribution Company, Ukrainian Film Distribution, Kinomania, Volga Ukraine, and Multi Media …

  • Ukrainian Security Service denies reports that it arrested DPR militant who transported Buk missile system used to shoot down MH17

    Security Service of Ukraine didn't detain the driver of the vehicle who transported Buk missile system that was used to shoot down MH17 flight, reads the statement on the webpage of Ukrainian Intelligence Service.

    The report said that a briefing on an investigation the above crime in the Donbas was held in Kyiv on July 17. After the briefing, the media spread information that on the same day the driver, who was transporting the Buk missile system, was arrested.

    "At a briefing, it was reported …