Contents tagged with SBU

  • Ukrainian Security Service classifies former DPR anti-air commander case

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has classified the criminal case against former Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) anti-air defense commander Vladimir Tsemakh, the SBU said in response to an inquiry from the Ukrainski Novyny News Agency.

    Previously it was reported from the Unified Registry of Court Rulings that the Shevchenkivskiy District Court of Kyiv had chosen on June 28, 2019 to hold Tsemakh in pretrial detention.

    In its response to the inquiry, the SBU did not mention the reason for …

  • Ukrainian Security Service arrests DPR militant who transported Buk missile system used to shoot down MH17

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has identified a militant from the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) who helped transport the Buk anti-aircraft missile launcher that was used to shoot down a Malaysia Airlines passenger aircraft over the Donbas.

    This was announced by Vitaliy Mayakov, deputy head of the SBU’s Chief Investigative Directorate, during press conference, as cited by Ukrainski Novyny news agency.

    Mayakov also presented a cellphone video showing the Buk missile system being …

  • Ukrainian Security Service unmasks Russian special ops soldier who killed LPR ringleader and got rid of Plotnitsky

    The counter intelligence department of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has unmasked the Russian special forces soldier Alexander “Gray” Sadovy, who has been one of the most active participants in Russian special operations in the occupied Luhansk province since 2014, TSN writes.

    Sadovy was born in Russia on 13 November 1969. A colonel, he is the director of the so-called “Special Forces Center of the LPR Interior Ministry”.

    He was sent by Russia’s intelligence agency to occupied Luhansk …

  • Detained DPR anti-air commander complicit in killing of Ukrainian troops in Donbas

    DPR lieutenant colonel Vladimir Tsemakh, captured by agents of the Security Service of Ukraine SBU and taken to a court in Kyiv, will have to answer not only for his involvement in Russia’s operation to shoot down the Malaysia Airlines Boeing, but also for the murder of Ukrainian soldiers, writes journalist Yuriy Butusov.

    In a video interview given in 2015, Tsemakh, under the alias “Borisych”, explains how his division took part in the fight for the 43rd checkpoint near Snizhne on August 6, 201 …

  • Ukrainian TV channel accused of high treason after planning teleconference with Russia

    The Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) in Kyiv has filed a criminal case against the Ukrainian TV channel NewsOne, which planned to hold a teleconference with Russian colleagues who are under sanctions. The channel’s management is accused of “attempting to commit high treason by providing information support to subversive activity against Ukraine,” wrote Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko on Monday, 8 July, on Facebook.

    Lutsenko noted that the people involved in the plan to hold a teleconference …

  • Journalists discover interview with Former DPR anti-air commander on MH17 air disaster

    Reporters have found an archived video of Vladimir Tsemakh, former commander of anti-air defense in Sloviansk, in which he was interviewed about the downing of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 over eastern Ukraine in 2014. On 29 June this year, Tsemakh was placed under arrest by a court in Kyiv.

    The news outlet Current Time has found several videos of Tsemakh on a YouTube channel belonging to Russia’s Motherland party, which was founded by Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin, who is under personal …

  • Russia’s leaders could face charges in MH17 murder case

    Charges could be brought against high-ranking Russian officials and military officers in the MH17 murder case, said Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, as cited by Interfax-Ukraine.

    “We will start with the soldiers and end with the generals and politicians,” he remarked.

    Lutsenko noted that, at a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) press conference in the Netherlands, relatives of the victims had asked whether it would be possible to press charges against Russian President Vladimir Putin. …

  • Russian media: Ukrainian Security Service was behind Zakharchenko assassination

    The so-called “intelligence agency” of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) believes that the assassination of DPR ringleader Aleksandr Zakharchenko was orchestrated by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), an anonymous representative of the “agency” told Russia 1 in an interview.

    According to the source, the SBU’s 2nd department organizes operations in the DPR for the 5th directorate (counterintelligence department). The DPR “intelligence agency” claims to know the names of all the employees …

  • Poroshenko awards Hero of Ukraine title to the head of Ukrainian Security Service

    The head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Vasyl Hrytsak, received the Hero of Ukraine title. The Presidential Administration of Ukraine published the relevant decree on May 9, reports Radio Liberty.

    According to the document, together with the title, Hrytsak will receive the Order of the Golden Star.

    “For selfless service to the Ukrainian people, an outstanding personal contribution to the protection of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” the presidential decree …

  • Ukrainian Security Service detains Defense Ministry arsenal employee recruited by Russian intelligence for sabotage

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has arrested a man employed at one of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s arsenals on suspicion of planning an act of sabotage for Russia.

    According to the SBU’s press release, the man was recruited by Russian intelligence agents at the start of the year. The arsenal where he is employed stores strategic reserves of modern missiles and ammunition for Ukraine’s Armed Forces.

    “In order to do this, they used psychological influence and pressure methods, …