Contents tagged with SBU

  • Austria summons Ukrainian ambassador after journalist Christian Wehrschütz banned entry to Ukraine

    The Ukrainian ambassador in Vienna, Olexander Scherba, was summoned to the Austrian Foreign Ministry because of a one-year ban for Austrian journalist Christian Wehrschütz to enter Ukraine.

    According to the report published on the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s website, the Ukrainian ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Ministry for a talk with the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Johannes Peterlik, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

    "Peterlik demanded to lift the entry ban, …

  • Ukraine's Security Service: Kyiv denied entry to Austrian journalist for his own safety

    Ukraine's Security Service stated that Christian Wehrschütz, head of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ORF) had been barred from entering Ukraine for the sake of his own safety, the press service of the SBU said.

    “The reason behind this decision was to ensure the safety of the journalist. We would like to remind that Christian Wehrschütz had said in one of the interviews that he feared for his life in Ukraine. To avoid possible provocations during the stay of the Austrian journalist in …

  • Kyiv denies Austrian pro-Russian journalist entry to Ukraine

    The Head of Ukrainian Bureau of the Austrian television channel ORF, Christian Vershutsu has been banned from entering Ukraine.  According to the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU)The reason is the threat he poses to national security.

    “The head of the Ukrainian bureau of the Austrian television channel ORF, Christian Vershutsu, was banned from entering Ukraine for one year. This is reported by my sources in the Ukrainian Security Service,” the first deputy head of the Rada Committee on Freedom …

  • Military expert: Ukraine will create a 'retaliation' weapon against Russia

    Ukraine can and must create a “retaliation”, “deterrence and attack” weapon in order to “adequately respond” to Russia, Oleh Starikov, a retired colonel of the Security Service of Ukraine, said on News One TV channel.

    According to him, “retaliation” weapons are short-range missiles with a range of 500–1000 kilometers.

    “This is a weapon for deterrence and attack,” Starikov said.

    At present, Ukraine does not possess such missiles but it can create them at the Yuzhmash plant. The former colonel …

  • Ukrainian Security Service confirms evacuation of DPR tank battalion commander from Donbas

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has confirmed that Svetlana Dryuk aka “Veterok”, a former tank battalion commander for the “People’s Militia” of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), has been evacuated to government-controlled territory.

    “The SBU confirms that a mercenary from the Russian illegal armed groups in the Donbas, tank battalion chief of staff Svetlana Dryuk, has been brought into Ukraine-controlled territory,” the SBU’s press department stated.

    According to the …

  • Poroshenko accuses Russia of cyber attacks on the Central Election Commission of Ukraine

    The Russian Federation carried out DdoS attacks on the Central Election Commission (CEC) on February 24 and 25, said Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Tuesday during a meeting with representatives of the IT sector in Kyiv, Interfax Ukraine reported.

    “The Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council has developed protection mechanisms together with department for information security of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Cyber Security Police of the CEC jointly with our American …

  • Ukraine initiates criminal cases against Russian military after the incident in the Kerch Strait

    Commanders of the Southern Military District and the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, as well as five employees of the FSB Border Service are suspected of "conducting an aggressive war" against Ukraine. 

    The Prosecutor General’s Office and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) announced that seven more Russian servicemen and the FSB border guard officers will be investigated in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait. They are suspected of planning, preparing, initiating and …

  • Ukrainian Prosecutor General: around 160 people were involved in Maidan shootings

    The Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Yuriy Lutsenko, announced that more than 160 people have been indicted in the case of the Maidan [ Ukraine’s revolution of Dignity] executions in February 2014, 150 of them are already in the dock. 

    According to him, the pre-trial investigation of this case has been completed. "In addition to the 150 law enforcers, now tried for violence in the Maidan, another half dozen will be added and tried in absentia, headed by Yanukovych and the leaders of the security …

  • Kyiv: 11 assassination attempts on President Poroshenko were thwarted in 2018

    Chief of the Ukrainian State Security Administration Valeriy Heletey stated in an interview with Ukrainske Radio that in 2018, eleven assassination attempts on President Petro Poroshenko were thwarted. He did not specify any details. 

    Heletey also called for providing State protection for the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Epifaniy. He noted that the legislation does not provide for state security for religious leaders yet. 

    “Today we have included this position to the …

  • Ukrainian Security Service: Russian private military company Wagner active in Syria and Sudan

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has published documents belonging to mercenaries from the Private Military Company (PMC) Wagner which confirm that it is a secret detachment of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU). 

    “Russia continues to lie shamelessly, trying to justify its crimes committed throughout the world. The Kremlin doesn’t stop ‘shouting’ that its GRU armed divisions are not protecting dictator regimes in Sudan and Syria, and were not involved in the killing of …