Contents tagged with SBU

  • Ukrainian Security Service catch seven Russian agents responsible for terrorist acts

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has arrested seven members of a sabotage and reconnaissance group from Russia who were behind a number of terrorist attacks, SBU head Vasyl Hrytsak announced at a press conference.

    “The SBU has halted the activity in our national territory of a seven-person sabotage and reconnaissance terrorist group belonging to the Russian intelligence services. They have all been arrested,” he said.

    According to Hrytsak, since the start of 2017, several such groups …

  • Zelensky names Ukraine’s two 'global problems'

    Ukrainian presidential candidate Volodymyr Zelensky revealed what he thinks Ukraine’s two “global problems” are during an interview with the TV channel “Ukraine” aired on Sunday 7 April.

    According to Zelensky, the country’s first “global problem” is the war in the Donbas, and the second is foreign investors’ fear of investing in the country.

    “People are scared that their finances are not protected, that businesses are put under pressure by all kinds of law enforcement organs that shouldn’t …

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko orders polygraph test for Ukroboronprom leadership after corruption scandal

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to have the leaders of the state-owned defense concern Ukroboronprom take polygraph tests, the president’s press service reported on Tuesday.

    The decision was made by Poroshenko during a meeting with Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, and his deputy Serhiy Kryvonos.

    “We ask the government to ensure that a polygraph test is organized for all of the leaders of the state concern …

  • Ukrainian Security Service deports Russian journalist from Ukraine

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has approved deportation of Russian journalist Margarita Bondar, who has worked in Ukraine for the Russian news outlet, reports the press service of the SBU.

    "The State Migration Service decided to expel Russian journalist Margarita Bondar from our country based on the materials of Security Council of Ukraine," reads the report.

    According to SBU, during 2018 Bondar followed the instructions of the management of, which is part of …

  • Ukrainian Security Service officer defects to Russia

    A self-professed “renegade from the Security Service of Ukraine” (SBU) named Vasyl Prozorov has shown up in Moscow, speaking at a press conference organized by the government news agency Rossiya Segodnya on Monday 25 March, the date on which Ukraine honors its security service.

    “My name is Prozorov Vasyl Nikolayevich. Between 1999 and 2018 I was an employee of the SBU. As of May 2014, I worked in the Central Apparatus, specifically in the headquarters of the SBU’s Anti-Terrorist Center. As of …

  • Ukrainian Security Service detains former DPR militant after he decides to relocate to Ukraine

    Ukrainian law enforcement authorities detained a militant from the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) in Kharkiv, the press center of the Ukrainian Security Service reported.

    The SBU operatives found out that a former resident of the separatist-held Horlivka in Donetsk joined the military of the DPR in February 2015 was known under the nomme de guerre, Kub. As a member of the so-called military intelligence of Novorossiya [ new Russia], he took an active part in the military actions …

  • Ukrainian Security Service reopens criminal case against Saakashvili

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) resumed investigation against the former President of Georgia and the leader of the Ukrainian political party Movement of New Forces, Mikheil Saakashvili, announced his lawyer Ruslan Chernolutsky on Facebook.

    Chernolutsky released the General Prosecutor's Office letter, which refers to the renewal of the investigation conducted by the SBU Main Investigation Department in Kyiv region.

    The statement indicates that the investigation was resumed by the …

  • Ukrainian Prosecutor insists on 14 years imprisonment for Brazilian citizen suspected of fighting on DPR side

    The press service of the Kyiv Prosecutor Office announced that the prosecutor requested to sentence the Brazilian citizen Rafael Lusvarghi to 14 years in prison on charges of participating in the battles in the Donbas together with the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) militants.

    On March 19, the Pavlohrad district court in the Dnipropetrovsk region held another hearing in the Lusvarghi case. He is charged with participating in terrorist organizations and non-statutory armed groups.

    During the …

  • Ukrainian Security Service uncovers Russian intelligence group in Donbas

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) announced that it has uncovered a Russian military intelligence group code-named “Sapphire” operating in Luhansk.

    Information about the Sapphire group was disclosed by SBU head of military counterintelligence Serhiy Levchenko during a press briefing. The SBU believes that the intelligence group was established by Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).

    According to Levchenko, the Sapphire group was involved in preparing and carrying out anti- …

  • Israel and Ukrainian Security Service coordinate joint drug bust

    Amos Dov Silver, founder of the Israeli cannabis distribution network Telegrass, was arrested in Kyiv on Tuesday, announced Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Joel Lion.

    At the same time, 42 members of the criminal organization were arrested in Israel.

    The operation was jointly coordinated by the Israel Police and the Security Service of Ukraine’s directorate for fighting organized crime and corruption.

    “The embassy of the State of Israel in Ukraine takes this opportunity to sincerely thank our …