Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Bessmertniy: Russia is continuing to supply arms and soldiers to separatists in eastern Ukraine

    According to the representative of Ukraine in the Trilateral Contact Group on the situation in the Donbas, Roman Bessmertniy, there can be no question of the lifting of sanctions as long as Russia continues to supply soldiers, equipment, weapons and ammunition to the occupied Donbas.  

    "Such dynamics coming from Russia, Europe and the World will not only stop sanctions from being lifted but will also add more", said Bessmertniy on Friday in an interview to the "Black Mirror" program on channel …

  • Poklonskaya threatens to initiate legal proceedings against Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs

    Russian Crimea’s Chief Prosecutor, Natalia Poklonskaya, is threatening the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, because of his statement concerning the creation of a new National Guard unit, in Ukraine, which will help take back Crimea from Russia.

    “Due to such statements, Avakov may be punished by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. There are some proceedings against him in Ukraine which are pending and, as far as I know, the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine …

  • European Commission postpones decision on visa-free regime for Ukraine

    The European Commission will submit a legislative initiative to abolish visas for Georgia.  This will be submitted to the Council of the EU next week.  Such an initiative for Ukraine, however, has been postponed.  This was reported via Twitter by a correspondent of Radio Liberty in Brussels, Ricard Yozvyak.

    “The proposal for the visa liberalization of Georgia will be made by the European Commission next week.  Ukraine will probably have to wait until after the referendum on the Association …

  • Three Ukrainians freed from LPR captivity

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has confirmed that three prisoners have been released by militants of the so-called Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR).  The exchange was conducted as per the “six for three” practice.  He received this information from the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU).

    On the 26th of February, Poroshenko posted on Facebook that the three released prisoners were on their way home.

    Kiev and separatists of the Lugansk region discussed the details of the exchange at …

  • 49% of Dutch people aren't aware of upcoming vote on Ukraine-EU Association Agreement

    Almost half of Dutch citizens do not know about the referendum on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (EUAA), which will take place on the 6th of April 2016, according to the results of a TNS Nipo poll, as reported by the daily publication De Telegraaf.

    The researchers found that 49% of the residents of the Netherlands do not know about the referendum.  "It seems that too few people will vote," the edition notes.  In particular, only 21% of the respondents said that "of course" they will vote …

  • Ukrainian activists resume blockade of Russian trucks

    The Freedom Party has resumed the blockade of Russian trucks who are currently on Ukrainian territory.  The leader of the organization, Oleh Tyahnybok, confirmed this on Facebook.

    “It is unacceptable that the government is allowing Russian businesses to use the Ukrainian transport infrastructure.  It undermines the faith of the Western allies who believe in Ukraine’s intentions to actually confront the aggressor, as well as the desire to continue the sanctions against Russia.  The actions of …

  • Former Ukrainian PM says he will return to Kiev from Russia with a 'rescue plan'

    The former Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mykola Azarov, who fled Ukraine after the Revolution in 2014, promised to return to the Ukrainian government and proposed to restore the previous composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. “I will return to Ukraine for sure. I’m in Moscow now, as the former Prime Minister of Ukraine, but I’m not a former Ukrainian politician,” he stated at a press conference in Moscow on the 25th of February, TASS reported.

    Azarov also stated that he saw no reason to …

  • Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada discusses possible candidates for post of Prosecutor General

    The Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada is discussing the possibility of appointing the Head of the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko, former Minister of Internal Affairs, Yuriy Lutsenko, and the Head of the Donetsk Regional Military and Civil Administration, Pavel Zhebrivskyi, to the post of Prosecutor General. This was said by the Head of the Anti-Corruption Committee from the Samopomich party, Yegor Sobolev, according to Ukrainian online news portal GORDON.

    "I've heard from members of the Committee on the …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister outlines plan for returning Crimea to Ukraine

    In a television interview, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin outlined the strategy to return Crimea to Ukraine, stating that the plan consists of three basic parts: political, diplomatic and informational. 

    According to Klimkin, the first phase of the plan consists of the political and diplomatic elements, and includes western countries providing support to Ukraine.  It also involves gaining support of the non-recognition policy of Crimea’s occupation, as well supporting sanctions …

  • EU expects Ukraine to implement two more reforms before visa-free regime can be established

    The European Union expects full implementation of two out of five commitments in the so-called “visa-free” package from Kiev. 

    A European diplomat said this to the correspondent of UKRINFORM in Brussels, commenting on the package of "visa-free" legislation approved by the Verkhovna Rada last week.

    "Yes, indeed, there are still two important questions left: the National Anti-Corruption Agency and the law on electronic declarations," the diplomat said.

    At the same time, he believes that the …