Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukrainian official: There are indications that the Kremlin is willing to give up the Donbas

    The Ukrainian Deputy Minister for the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons, George Tuka, is convinced that Ukraine will regain control over the occupied territory of the Donbas in 2017 or in mid-2018 at the latest. Tuka stated this in his interview with Novoye Vremya.

    “Currently, Russia is ready to give back the Donbas only on its own terms. However, I am sure that Ukraine will manage to take over the initiative and implement its own scenario on the return of the …

  • The Russian Navy will receive several new Podsolnuh radar systems

    In 2017, the Russian Federation Navy plans to acquire several Podsolnuh radars that will be deployed to the Baltic and Black Seas, Interfax reported.

    "These new radar stations will be able to control the 200-mile coastal zone," an informed source told Interfax.

    He added that one Podsolnuh will be deployed in the Baltics and another in the Black Sea.

    The Podsolnuh Radar passed state tests in 2006. Currently there are three stations on duty: the first is in the Sea of Okhotsk, the second is in …

  • Herashchenko: I do not consider Kissinger’s and Pinchuk’s ideas about the Crimea realistic

    The First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, and Ukraine's representative to the humanitarian subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group, Iryna Herashchenko, has criticized a proposal by the a former U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger and Ukrainian oligarch, Victor Pinchuk, about the "exchange of the Crimea for the Donbas."

    "Colleagues have asked about my attitude towards Henry Kissinger’s position on exchanging the Crimea for the Donbas. With all due respect to Henry Kissinger’s …

  • Massive power outages started in the Crimea

    Power outages started in the Crimea because of the wind that has a speed of up to 15 m/s and snow. These outages started in the electric networks of 35 kW and massive emergency outages also started in the 610 kW distribution networks, the Russian Ministry of Energy reports.

    As a result, about 27,800 people were left without power supply in the towns of Sudak and Dzhankoy, and 88 settlements in Simferopol, Krasnoperekopsk, Feodosia, Kerch, Yevpatoria and Pervomaisky districts were also left …

  • Ukraine extended sanctions against Russia for another year

    The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine imposed additional sanctions against individuals and entities from Russia, as reported by the NSDC’s press center.

    “In particular, sanctions have been imposed against individuals illegally elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation based on the results of the so-called elections held by occupational authorities in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, members of the so-called electoral commissions, …

  • Four Ukrainian radio companies will be able to broadcast to Crimea from Chonhar

    The National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine identified four winners of a competition that will be able to broadcast to the Crimea from Chonhar. This information was released by the Council’s press service.

    Ukrainian Radio, Atlant-SV, Krym.Reallii and Sofia radio stations will be able to broadcast to the Crimea. "This is the first such competition for broadcasting to the Crimea since its occupation. Broadcasting will be possible after the completion of a new tower in …

  • Moscow’s Dorogomilovsky Court recognizes Maidan as a 'coup'

    On the 27th of December, the Dorogomilovsky Court of Moscow recognized the events of February 2014 in Ukraine as a coup. According to the court, the cessation of human rights in the country resulted in a coup d’état. As a result, the residents of the Crimea held a referendum to reunify with the Russian Federation, due to their spiritual origins, inextricable relationship with Russia, and alienation from Ukraine, Russia's Interfax news agency reported.

    The former Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, …

  • Chubarov: Four former Soviet countries are almost ready to recognize Crimea as Russian territory

    The Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Refat Chubarov, stated on 112 Ukraine TV that four former members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are almost ready to recognize that the Crimea is no longer the territory of Ukraine.

    “It is painful for me that four states of the former USSR—Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Belarus—these four states, judging from the essence of their actions, are allegedly ready to recognize that the Crimea is not the territory of Ukraine. I …

  • No bids were submitted for construction of rail tracks to Kerch Straight Bridge in Russia

    The second competition to select a railway contractor for the construction of the railway approaches to the Kerch Straight Bridge failed due to lack of bids, Kommersant reported. The contract is worth 16.9 billion rubles and the work needs to be finished before November 2019. The first competition was announced in September and the only application was filed by OJSC Yakutian Railway, but the company failed to pass the preliminary selection process. The second competition was announced mid- …

  • Ukrainian authorities have opened a case against for 'aiding and abetting the occupiers in the Crimea'

    Ukrainian law enforcement authorities have opened a case against for booking hotels in the Crimea, the Deputy of the faction of People's Front in the Verkhovna Rada, Georgiy Logvinsky, wrote on his Facebook page.

    According to him, is violating article 332-1, 191 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code (illegal transportation of people across the state border and appropriation, embezzlement of property). The website, the deputy says, should be blocked on the Ukrainian territory …