Contents tagged with crimea

  • US Treasury Department expanded sanctions on Russia

    The US expanded sanctions against Russia imposed in relation to the Crimean Peninsula and to Moscow's policy in the east of Ukraine. According to a report published on Tuesday, December 20th, on the website of the US Treasury, seven more individuals and more than 20 companies were included in the sanctions list.

    Individuals who were included on the sanctions list were businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, who has close business ties with the Russian Ministry of Defense and the managers of the banks …

  • UN General Assembly supported Ukrainian resolution on the Crimea

    At his speech at the UN General Assembly, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Sergiy Kyslytsya, called on the UN member states to vote for the Ukrainian resolution on human rights in the Crimea, Krym.Realii reported.

    "Those who suffer at the hands of the occupation regime in the Crimea are scared and helpless. They live without any chance to defend their rights, to protest or to be heard. Ukraine will do anything possible to ensure that the Russian Federation complies with its …

  • Russian agency proposes maintaining strict record of Ukrainians in the Crimea

    The Russian Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs has offered to maintain strict records of individuals who enter the territory of the Crimea from mainland Ukraine, as stated by the Deputy Head of the Monitoring, Analysis and Forecast Department of the FANF, Andrey Komissarov, TASS reports.

    Komissarov believes an immigration regime in the Crimea should be established "taking into account its strategically important location and the conflict between neighboring Ukraine.”

    "Just on December 13 …

  • Amnesty International accuses Russia of violating human rights in the Crimea

    Crimean Tatars are being systematically persecuted after the Russian annexation of the Crimea in 2014. The cases against the activists of the Crimean Tatar community are analyzed in the report of the international human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) "Crimea in the darkness: the persecution of dissent", published on Thursday, December 15th.

    According to the Director of AI in Europe and Central Asia, John Dalhuisen, Crimean Tatars became the most prominent and united group that …

  • Ukraine to pay 100,00 euros to Dutch museum for storage of Crimean gold once it is returned

     Ukraine will pay more than 100,000 euros to the Allard Pierson Museum in the Netherlands for the storage of "The Crimea: the gold and the secrets of the Black Sea" exhibition.

    The Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Pavlo Petrenko, commenting on this issue and the decision of the District Court of Amsterdam, told reporters that the money will be paid after the return of the collection to Ukraine.

    "Ukraine is ready to pay for storage at the local museum [in the Netherlands], and we will cover all …

  • Russia will deploy airborne battalion to the Crimea in 2017

    The head of the Russian State Duma Defense Committee, Vladimir Shamanov, announced plans to spread out the first battalion of the Airborne Troops (VDV) division in the occupied Crimea, as reported by TASS

    According to Shamanov, the decision has already been made and the battalion will be deployed in the city of Dzhankoy in 2017.

    "In accordance with the decision of the board of the RF Ministry of Defense, the formation of a separate battalion of the 97th Airborne Assault Regiment in Dzhankoy, …

  • Dutch court orders that Scythian gold in Amsterdam museum be returned to Ukraine

    The Amsterdam District Administrative Court has ordered that an exhibition of Scythian gold in the Allard Pierson Museum be returned to Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine wrote on Facebook.

    Earlier this month, Kyiv had issued an appeal to Interpol regarding  the “Crimea – the Golden Island in the Black Sea” exhibition at the museum in Amsterdam, insisting the exhibition pieces were Ukrainian property.

    In February of 2014, a collection of Scythian gold from five Ukrainian museums was …

  • The 32nd Army Corps has been revived in Crimea under Russian jurisdiction

    The 32nd Army Corps located on the Crimean peninsula has been revived as part of the ground forces of the Black Sea Fleet, a source familiar with the situation told Interfax on November 12.

    The Directorate of the 32nd Army Corps became operational as of December 1 when the new training year started in the Russian Armed Forces, the Agency’s interlocutor clarified. The source did not specify the composition of the re-established Army Corps.

    According to available data, the Army Corps could …

  • UN Representative claims that any criticism against Russian government can trigger harsh reactions in Crimea

    On December 8, the UN Special Representative for Human Rights, Mark Boyanik, stated in an interview with Radio Svoboda that any criticism in the annexed Crimea can cause immediate backlash. One risk in particular is to be declared a wanted person.

    “The Crimea is a place where, unfortunately, it is impossible to hold alternative views. I mean opinions that are not officially sanctioned and supported by the de facto authority. If you make a statement, distribute a message on social media, try to …

  • Klimkin: Russia wants to legalize its control over the Donbas

    The number of victims of Russia’s military aggression in the Donbas has reached 10,000 while Moscow uses the war as a mechanism to put pressure on Europe, as was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pavlo Klimkin, speaking at the OSCE Ministerial Meeting, a correspondent from Evropeyskaya Pravda reported from Hamburg.

    "The number of victims of the Russian war against Ukraine has increased to 10,000 people. Hundreds remain illegally imprisoned in the occupied territories in the Crimea. …