Contents tagged with crimea

  • Human Rights Watch: Crimeans are losing their rights

    The world-wide independent international human rights organization, Human Rights Watch, has released their report for 2017, which indicated that after the Russian Federation’s occupation of the Crimea, the human rights situation in the peninsula deteriorated, as stated by its representative in Ukraine, Tatyana Cooper, during the presentation of the report in Kyiv on Thursday, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    "Since Russia began taking control of the peninsula, the human rights situation there has …

  • Peskov: Moscow objects to Tillerson’s position regarding the Crimea

    Moscow disagrees with statements regarding the Crimea that were made by U.S. Secretary of State nominee, Rex Tillerson, and intended to “patiently explain its position to the new administration of the U.S.A.,” as the President’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, stated, as reported by RIA Novosti.

    “We know that the discussion is over. This is his position. We have taken note of it. Of course, Russia will continue to patiently explain the essence of the issue,” the press secretary for the Russian …

  • The International Tribunal on the Crimea will begin in the summer of 2017

    The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for the European Integration, Olena Zerkal, stated that the International Tribunal on maritime law that will study issues related to the Crimea is expected to begin its work in the summer of 2017.

    “We have completed all the necessary pre-trial procedures. The fact that Russia agreed to create arbitration and tribunal, and to participate in the selection of arbitrators – all this give us hope for a more serious approach to its decision. We …

  • Turkish Foreign Minister: Ankara will not reconsider its position on Ukraine's territorial integrity

    Speaking at the conference of Ambassadors in Ankara, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, stated that a dialogue with Russia will contribute to resolving many conflicts. He noted that cooperation with Moscow does not justify a review of Ankara’s position on Ukraine and Georgia.

    “We support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and Georgia. We don’t recognize the annexation of Ukrainian territories,” Turkish media quoted the Minister as saying. Speaking of the Syrian …

  • Media: Crimea began receiving gas from Russia’s Krasnodar Krai

    Russia has begun delivery of gas from Krasnodar Krai to the annexed Crimea through a new pipeline but currently only in the commissioning stages, as was reported by a member of the State Duma Committee on Energy, former first Vice-Premier of the Crimean government controlled by the Kremlin, Mikhail Sheremet.

    "The gas is in the system already. Starting-up and adjustment works are being conducted, within the framework of which the gas is supplied from the mainland of the Russian Federation. …

  • SBU cannot ban Moldovan President from entering Ukraine because of statements about the Crimea

    The State Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) cannot ban the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, from entering the country because of his statements that the Crimea belongs to Russia, as reported by RBC-Ukraine.

    Dodon has previously stated that he considers the Crimea as "de facto Russian." Such statements (before being elected President) caused the Verkhovna Rada to send a request to the SBU to ban him from entering Ukraine.

    "But neither then, nor now, was this ban imposed and Dodon can safely …

  • 150 foreign vessels illegally entered Crimean ports in 2016

    During 2016, 150 merchant vessels, flying the flags of 49 foreign countries, entered ports of the occupied Crimea – Yevpatoria, Sevastopol, Yalta, Feodosia, and Kerch – violating bans and sanctions, as demonstrated by the monitoring of the information portal, BSNews, which uses an AIS (automatic identification system) vessel tracking system.

    In 2016, another 40 vessels that violated the policies of the occupied territory for the first time were added to the list of old violators, which entered …

  • Le Pen seeks funding from Russian banks for French presidential election

    The President of the French right-wing populist party, the National Front, Marine Le Pen, requested foreign financial institutions, including Russian banks, to fund her election campaign, as she stated in her interview with French TV Channel BFMTV on January 4th.

    According to her, all French banks have refused to give her a loan for her election campaign before the first round of presidential elections in France in April 2017. Currently, Le Pen is in need of 6 million Euros.

    “I submitted …

  • SBU wants to ban the French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen from entering Ukraine

    The leader of the French far-right presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, said that the annexation of the Crimea by Russia "was not illegal since the people voted to join Russia in the referendum."

    As UNIAN reported, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) sent a letter to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry requesting that the presidential candidate of the French far-right party, Marine Le Pen, be banned from entering the country, due to her statements about Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

    "On …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Ministry expresses outrage over Marine Le Pen’s statements on Crimea

    The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry is outraged following the statement of the leader of the far-right party National Front, Marine Le Pen, who is running for president in France, in which she said she supported Russia's annexation of the Crimea. 

    "We remind you that Russia’s actions on this particular matter were strongly condemned by all civilized countries of the world, as supported by the UN General Assembly resolutions of 2014 and 2016, as well as by multiple decisions and documents of the EU, …