Contents tagged with crimea

  • Crimeans were asked not to switch on electrical appliances unless it’s absolutely necessary

    The Head of the Krymenergo company, Viktor Plakida, asked Crimeans on the air of the Crimea 24 TV Channel, not to switch on electrical appliances in the morning and evening hours unless it’s absolute necessary, Krym.Realii reported.

    “I would like to ask Crimeans to rationally use our resources. Try not to switch on additional electric appliances, which you don’t really need, in the morning and evening hours. This is the most important thing,” Plakida said.

    According to him, if every 200th …

  • Moscow students to be sent to help construct Kerch bridge

     Students from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) will undertake the construction of the Kerch bridge, the press service of Rosavtodor reports.

    The head of the road agency, Roman Starovoyt, launched the initiative to send students for summer work. According to him, the experience of working on the construction of the Kerch bridge will be useful for future specialists in this area.

    “The unique practical skills gained from the specialists in this area by working on the construction of the …

  • Crimean authorities: 400,000 people suffer from a shortage of water on the peninsula

    The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Crimea, Gennady Narayev, states that there are 400,000 Crimeans on the peninsula suffering from a shortage of drinking water, as reported on 1 February by TASS. The overall deficit in drinking water in the Crimea is about 300 million cubic meters per day when 1.2 billion cubic meters are required.

    It is noted that the Eastern district of the peninsula is in a difficult situation where three reservoirs have been filled with water from the …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO can’t recognize the accession of the Crimea to Russia

    The Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Jens Stoltenberg, believes that accession of the annexed Crimea to Russia is contrary to the values of the Alliance.

    Stoltenberg expressed his opinion on BBC while commenting on statements made by the U.S. Administration regarding the possibility of recognizing the Crimea as a part of the Russian Federation under certain conditions.

    “The accession of the Crimea runs contrary to the NATO values,” the Secretary-General responded. …

  • A column of Russian military equipment entered Simferopol

    A column of Russian military equipment entered the city of Simferopol in the annexed Crimea, according to a report by the Human Rights Information Center in the Crimea.

    There were at least five armored personnel carriers and no less than ten trucks in the motorcade. "The motorcade entered from the side of the highway to Mykolayivka and proceeded along Heroyiv Stalingrada Street through a densely populated residential district. The military vehicles were escorted by traffic police cars, …

  • Russian Navy strengthens their fleets with the new Bastion missile systems

    The Russian Black Sea Fleet in the annexed Sevastopol may be reinforced with the new Bastion coastal defence missile systems, as was reported by Interfax on January 27th, referring to a statement by the general director of the Russian company NPO Mashinostroyeniya, Alexander Leonov.

    The news agency writes that according to him, the delivery of the Bastion system is provided for in a 2017 state defense order. The Baltic, Black Sea, Northern, and Pacific Russian fleets will be reinforced by the …

  • Russia’s National Guard and Federal Security Service will guard the Kerch Strait

    The servicemen of the National Guard and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation will ensure the security of the waters of the Kerch Strait, Rossiyskaya Gazeta wrote. “If the troops of the Russian National Guard previously served at Lake Baikal or the Yenisei, Volga and Amur rivers and some other marine areas then the Kerch Strait is a new area of responsibility for them,” the Deputy Chief of the National Guard, Major-General Oleg Borukaev stated.

    The significance of the Kerch …

  • French Presidential Candidate Marine Le Pen was invited to visit Crimea

    The Head of the Crimean Parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov, reported that the candidate for President of France from the National Front Party, Marine Le Pen, was invited to visit the Crimean peninsula, RIA Novosti reported. Konstantinov stressed that Le Pen’s position on Crimea was the clear reason for his visit.

    “The President of the National Front is one of the few politicians who exactly understood Crimea’s destiny and took the trouble to read the history of Crimea to understand it,” …

  • Kyiv demands that Ukraine be allowed to participate in talks between Russia and the US

    Ukraine should have a say in any deal between Russia and the United States, aimed to end the conflict in the eastern part of the country, as stated by the Deputy Foreign Minister, Olena Zerkal, Reuters reported.

    Kyiv is concerned about the fact that the US President, Donald Trump, wants to exclude Ukraine from any peace talks, seeking to improve relations with Moscow.

    "We are talking about the future of our country, we do not want to be excluded from the negotiations," Zerkal said.

    Also, the …

  • The construction of the tower to broadcast to the Crimea was completed in Chonhar

    The construction of a tower for TV and radio broadcasting to the annexed Crimea has been completed in Chonhar, as reported by a member of the National Council on TV and Radio Broadcasting, Serhiy Kostynsky, on his Facebook page on Wednesday, 25 January.

    "The tower in Chonhar is complete. In the near future broadcasting to the Crimea will begin... Equipment is now being installed," he wrote.

    The height of the tower is 150 meters; it took about two months to be constructed. It took about nine …