Contents tagged with crimea

  • Russia's newly-formed 22nd Army Corps begins combat training in the Crimea

    The Russian military has created the 22nd Army Corps of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, and the new corps has begun combat training in the Crimea, the commander of the Southern Military District of Russia, Colonel-General Aleksandr Dvornikov, stated.

    "At present, the 150th Motorized Rifle Division in the Rostov region, the 42nd motorized rifle division in the Chechen Republic, and the 22nd Army Corps of the Black Sea Fleet in the Crimea were formed and began combat training. Also a squadron of Ka- …

  • Ukrainian military to hold exercises in Kherson region near the Crimea

    At a press briefing on February 10th, the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Colonel Dmytro Gutsulyak, said that the Ukrainian military will conduct exercises in the Kherson region, which borders with the Crimea.

    According to Gutsulyak, Ukrainian military units, armed with SAM Buk-M1 missiles, will conduct firing exercises at the Yahorlyk training site in the Kherson region.

    On a similar note, during the multinational exercise, called Saber Guardian-2017, at the Shabla training …

  • Ministry of Justice: Yanukovych knew about plans to annex the Crimea ahead of time

    Russia began to actively prepare for the occupation of the Crimea in 2013 and former President, Victor Yanukovych, knew about it, as was stated at a briefing by the Minister of Justice, Pavlo Petrenko, reports.

    "We clearly identified and provided documents in the form of written evidence to the European Court for Human Rights which indicate that an active preparation phase for the occupation of the Crimea began in 2013. We also understand that such plans were prepared earlier. We …

  • Krymenergo: About 30 settlements were left without electricity in the Crimea

    As reported by the press service of Krymenergo, about 30 settlements in the Crimea were left without electricity due to adverse weather conditions.

    "On the eve of February 8th as a result of the deterioration of the weather conditions (gusty winds up to 25 m / s, frost, icing, a storm warning declared for February 8-9) the electricity supply was disrupted in 27 Crimean settlements, in 8 of them the disruption was partial (mostly in the Rozdol'ne, Pervomaiske and Saki regions)," the statement …

  • US refused to lift Crimea-related sanctions against Russia

    The US does not intend to lift the sanctions against Russia with respect to the Crimea, White House representative Sean Spicer stated on Wednesday the 8th of February. “There are two sets of sanctions that we are dealing with. One is the ones with respect to Crimea. And I think that US Ambassador Haley has addressed that very forcefully at the UN, that until Russia leaves Crimea, those sanctions are a non-starter,” Spicer stated in response to journalists’ questions during a traditional press …

  • Dzhemilev: Sanctions for the annexation of the Crimea will lead to the collapse of Russia

    Sanctions imposed against Russia due to the annexation of the Crimea, even if they are not strengthened, will lead to an unavoidable collapse of Russia, as was explained to the Ukrainian news agency, Apostrophe, by the former Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mustafa Dzhemilev.

    “Putin has created so much propaganda on the annexation of the Crimea, that he has built a tremendous pseudo-patriotism. Putin’s rejection of the Crimea would be political ‘hari-kari’ for him …

  • Odessa court seizes four floating drilling rigs in the Black Sea that were captured by Russia

    The Primorsky District Court of Odessa seized four floating drilling rigs owned by the Chornomornaftogaz state company that were seized during the Russian annexation of the Crimea.

    This was stated on the January 27th, 2017 Court’s decision that was published in the Unified State Register of court decisions.

    The expropriation was imposed in the framework of criminal proceedings that started on December 14th, 2015, concerning the illegal transportation and the seizing of these rigs.

    Among them …

  • Dzhemilev: Crimean Tatars are waiting for the Crimea to become Ukrainian again

    Crimean Tatars living in the Crimea are waiting for the peninsula to become Ukrainian again as was stated by the leader of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev on February 4, during a Crimean Tatar Evening in Ankara, according to a Crimean News Agency.

    "We have been, and still are, counting every single day since the beginning of the occupation. The Crimean Tatars, who live in the Crimea, are waiting for this hell to be over, for the Crimea to be free from the occupier and become …

  • President of the Ukrainian World Congress: Human rights groups should respond to persecution in the Crimea

    On the 4th of February, the President of the Ukrainian World Congress, Eugene Czolij, stated that the persecution of human right activists by Russia causes serious concerns. And therefore, international human rights organizations should respond to them, Ukrinform reported.

    “The Ukrainian World Congress condemns these illegal actions by Russian authorities and urges international human rights organizations to protect the rights of legal professionals who are providing the assistance to which …

  • Ukrainian TV channel began broadcasting in the Tatar language to the Crimea

    UATV Channel, which provides Ukraine’s international broadcasting abroad, began broadcasting in the Crimean Tatar language abroad and in the Crimea.

    This was reported by a member of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Serhiy Kostinsky.

    "Ukrainian news in the Crimean Tatar language appeared on UATV for the Crimean Tatar diaspora. It is the first time the state prioritized Crimean Tatar as the language of public broadcasting to foreign countries,” he said. …