Contents tagged with crimea

  • Kasparov: The surrender of the Crimea would be 'suicidal' for Putin

    The Russian opposition activist and world chess champion, Garry Kasparov stated in his interview with Voice of America that the surrender of the Crimea would be suicidal for the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

    “Regarding the Crimean issue, I think that Trump will fail to return it to Ukraine because the surrender of the Crimea would a suicide for Putin. However, the U.S. has significant opportunities to influence Putin’s fate,” Kasparov said.

    Garry Kasparov also added that sanctions …

  • Residents of Sevastopol urge Russia to recognize LPR and DPR as independent States

    Pro-Russian residents of Sevastopol organized a rally to demand that Russia’s leadership recognize the Donetsk (DPR) and Luhansk (LPR) People’s Republics as independent States and establish trade and economic relations with them. The rally took place on the 18th of February, 2017.

    As reported by Krym.Realii, approximately 150 people attended the event. The organizers of the event said that "the vent was attended by ordinary citizens, who gathered at local city forum". People mostly held DPR …

  • Peskov denies Surkov was against the annexation of the Crimea

    Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov was not opposed to the annexation of the Crimea by the Russian Federation. This was stated by Vladimir Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, reported Snob.

    "It was not known to me that someone was against it," said Peskov.

    Earlier in February, former State Duma Deputy Denis Voronenkov, who recently acquired Ukrainian citizenship, said that Surkov was against the idea of ​​annexing Crimea and the decision on it "was taken by one man."

    As reported, …

  • Kuban truckers rebelled and blocked a road leading to a ferry to the Crimea

    In the Krasnodar Krai of Russia, long-distance truck drivers blocked the road leading to a car ferry to the annexed Crimea, as was reported by the Crimean media on the evening of February 16th.

    The Crimea-inform website, a mouthpiece for the Crimean government, reports, citing a witness to the incident, that the trucks blocked traffic near the village of Ilyich. The truckers are protesting the long wait time for the ferry to the Crimea.

    "Using their trucks, drivers completely blocked the road …

  • According to ex-Duma Deputy, Surkov was against the annexation of the Crimea

    Vladislav Surkov, a personal advisor to the Russian President, was against the annexation of the Crimea.

    Former deputy of the State Duma (MP) Denis Voronenkov, who has received Ukrainian citizenship, made the declaration, according to Hromadske.TV.

    "The decision to pursue annexation was made by one man. All normal people were against it, including his inner circle," said Voronenkov.

    In response to a follow-up question posed by a journalist, who asked whether Vladislav Surkov had been against …

  • Peskov denies contacts between Russian intelligence and Trump campaign team

    The Press Secretary for the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Peskov, stated that Vladimir Putin didn’t discuss the Crimean issue during a telephone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump, RIA Novosti reported. “No, the Crimean issue wasn’t raised,” Peskov told journalists in response to the question.

    “We have said everything we want to say about the results of the telephone conversation that you mentioned,” the Press Secretary added. “As for the return of the Crimea, this …

  • Moscow responds to US statements on the Crimea

    Commenting on the White House's statements on the Crimea, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that Moscow “will not give back her own territories”.

    “We will not give back our own territories. The Crimea is the territory of the Russian Federation. That’s all,” Zakharova stated.

    She also remarked that bilateral relations between Russia and America “were brought to an impasse by the previous US administration, which they need to be brought out of”.

    “The Obama administration was in power …

  • Dzhemilev said he talked with Putin before the annexation of the Crimea

    People's Deputy and Commissioner of the President of Ukraine on the Affairs of Crimean Tatars Mustafa Dzhemilev spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the eve of "referendum" and Putin was trying to persuade him to cooperate. He revealed this information in an interview with Apostrophe news portal.

    Dzhemilev commented on media reports that Russian authorities made an offer to lead the "government of the Crimea" to many well-known Crimean politicians.

    "No, there was bribery of a …

  • Two U.S aircrafts performed aerial reconnaissance mission over the Baltic and near the Crimea

    Two U.S military aircraft performed reconnaissance flights near the Russian border in the southern Baltic and near the Crimea, Interfax reported with a reference to Western websites that track the movement of military aircraft.

    It is reported that an RC-135W strategic reconnaissance aircraft of the U.S. Air Force that took off from Mildenhall airbase in the United Kingdom circled along the southern border of the Kaliningrad region, in Polish airspace. In addition, a U.S. spy satellite flew …

  • Media: Russia will put Crimean air defense systems on high combat alert

    The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, Viktor Ozerov, stated that Russia will put the air defense systems of the Crimea on high combat alert during the Ukrainian missile firing exercises, RIA Novosti reported. “All our intelligence and air defense systems will be put on high combat alert in order to avoid any missiles accidentally hitting our territory,” Ozerov said.

    According to him, Russia does not consider these firing exercises as a threat because the …