Contents tagged with crimea

  • The Kremlin will no longer celebrate the anniversary of Crimea’s accession in the traditional way

    This year marks the third anniversary of Russia’s annexation of the Crimea. This event has been brightly celebrated for two years in a row. This year, though, the Kremlin will not celebrate the anniversary of the Crimea’s accession in the usual manner.

    The traditional rally-concert in the center of Moscow will be held in a different place and format or it may not be held at all, Dozhd TV Channel reported, citing informed sources. Dozhd discovered that the causes were excessive formality of the …

  • Ukrainian National Council official: There is a 'broadcasting duel' between Russia and Ukraine on the administrative border with the Crimea

    A duel is being fought on the administrative border with the Russian-annexed Crimea between radio stations broadcasting from mainland Ukraine and those broadcasting from the peninsula, as explained by a member of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Serhiy Kostynsky, to Krym.Realii.

    "And it is we who set the rules. It can be seen from their initiatives, that the Crimean authorities do not have enough resources. And all that they can do is install transmitters," …

  • Russia will deploy more S-400 missile systems in the Crimea

    The second regiment of S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems will be stationed in the Crimea during the second half of 2017, reported the Russian News Agency TASS, citing a source in Russian military.

    "Defense in the Crimea will be strengthened in the second half of 2017 by a second S-400 regiment,” the agency reported. According to TASS, the regiment will be located in the western part of the Crimean peninsula.

    TASS’s source noted that in 2018, the combat strength of two regiments of …

  • US State Department condemns Russia for violating human rights in the Crimea

    The US State Department released its annual report on the status of human rights in the world.

    Out of almost 200 countries reviewed in the first report by the new Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, some of the harshest criticism is directed towards Russia, which contrasts sharply with the largely reconciliatory rhetoric of US President Donald Trump with respect to Moscow and his avoidance of public statements about human rights in Russia or anywhere else in the world.

    In the section devoted to …

  • State Border Guard Service of Ukraine: Russia has intensified aerial reconnaissance at the administrative border with the Crimea

    The Spokesman for the Ukrainian Border Guard Service, Oleg Slobodyan, stated at a press conference in Kyiv, that Russia has recently intensified aerial intelligence at the administrative border with the annexed Crimea. Slobodyan noted that Russian troops used a Rys (Lynx) aerostat craft on the 28th of February and the 1st of March.

    Ukrainian border guard officers have recorded four monitoring flights carried out by Mi 8 helicopters and the active movement of coast guard motorboats in the Black …

  • Russia extends its aircraft patrols to cover the entire Black Sea

    In the Crimea, the Russian naval aircraft fleet on the Black Sea has expanded its radius of action and has begun to patrol the entire perimeter of the Black Sea, Russia's RIA Novosti reported.

    “The Russian naval aircraft fleet on the Black Sea has expanded the operational and tactical radius of its activity and is able to patrol the entire perimeter of the Black Sea,” said Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Kogut, deputy commander of the naval aviation fleet regiment.

    According to him, navy pilots …

  • Russia raises nearly 3,000 troops for snap readiness inspections in the Crimea and North Cacauses

    Nearly 3,000 servicemen in the Crimea and North Caucus were called up on Thursday snap combat readiness inspection, the press-service of the Southern Military District, Russia's TASS news agency reported.

    “Today in accordance with a decision by the Commander of Russia's Southern Military District Colonel-General Alexander Dvornikov for the purpose of a snap combat readiness inspection a number of units from Karachay-Cherkessia, Chechnya, Dagestan, and the Crimea were raised up on alert," the …

  • Kravchuk: Ukraine's war with Russia has been ongoing for centuries

    Leonid Kravchuk, the first president of Ukraine, spoke about losses that have happened during Ukrainian confrontations with Russia, which, according to him, have continued for over three centuries. He expressed his views during an interview with Channel 112 Ukraine.

    "If we talk about cultural and spiritual warfare, then it began during the time of the Pereyaslav Council; during which we, in fact, lost the Ukrainian Church and Ukrainian power. It is necessary to know history since it continues [ …

  • Dzhemilev says that without repressions, Russia would not be able to hold out long in the Crimea

    The repressions will continue in the annexed Crimea because that is the way the Kremlin maintains its hold on power in the peninsula. This was said by the People's Deputy of Ukraine, leader of the Crimean Tatar people, Mustafa Dzhemilev in an interview with Focus magazine, published on March 1.

    "The basic strategy of Moscow is not just to punish those who have committed a “crime” but to intimidate the whole community; they quickly find grounds for oppression afterwards. Under the free …

  • Ukrainian Navy Commander: Russia is disassembling seized Ukrainian ships for scrap parts

    The commander of the Naval Forces of Ukraine, Vice Admiral Ihor Voronchenko said that Russia has been disassembling seized Ukrainian vessels and scavenging them for parts.

    "Ukrainian ships are anchored separately; they are singled out as the equipment of a foreign country but to our knowledge they exist as spare parts donors," Voronchenko said on Monday night, February 27 on 5 Kanal TV.

    "For example, our ship Konstantin Olshansky, which is a Project 775-class landing ship is used as a spare …