Contents tagged with crimea

  • Russian Navy plans to deploy Buk missile systems to the Crimea

    The Russian Navy plans to deploy to Buk self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile systems to the Crimea.

    The 1096th air defense regiment based in Sevastopol will first receive the Buk-M2 missiles and then later, the more modern Buk-M3. Currently, the 1096th regiment is using the Osa missile system.

    The BUK-M2 system is designed to destroy tactical and strategic aircraft, ballistic and aerial rockets, helicopters and other types of aerial precision weapons. It is capable of hitting …

  • Crimean Political Scientist: Construction of the Kerch Bridge will not change anything

    According to associated professor at Tavrida National University and Crimean political scientist Yevhen Goryunov, the construction of the Kerch Bridge will not change the economic situation of the annexed Crimean peninsula, as stated by him during the telethon “Crimea. Three years of resistance.”

    According to him, if the Kerch Bridge is finished, it will not bring any benefits to the peninsula due to the economic situation in neighboring Russia.

    “If it [the Kerch Bridge] will be completed, I …

  • Chubarov: The liberation of the Donbas and the Crimea are not separate issues

    The matter of the liberation of the Crimea and the libaration of the Donbas must not be separated from each other; a single formula for recovering the territorial integrity of Ukraine is needed, as stated by MP Refat Chubarov, Leader of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, while speaking at the international forum “Crimea under occupation: consequences for Ukraine and the world”.

    “Unfortunately, another direction has been imposed on us, and we – I mean Ukraine – have gone in this direction: …

  • Canadian ambassador to Ukraine: Annexation of Crimea was the first step towards disrupting the world balance

    Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine Roman Washchuk said that the annexation of the Crimea threatens the territorial world order. Washchuk made the assertion at the international forum "The Crimea under occupation: consequences for Ukraine and the world,” as reported by Krym.Realii.

    "We've learned from history. Twice, the violation of international laws in the 20th century had led to world wars, in which both Canada and Ukraine fought. The illegal annexation of the Crimea is a step towards the …

  • Dzhemilev warns that Crimea may turn into a deserted peninsula

    Mustafa Dzemilev, one of the leaders of the Crimean Tatars and an MP from the Petro Poroshenko faction said on 112 Ukraine TV that the retaking of the Crimea through military force would entail ethnic cleansing and make the peninsula uninhabitable.

    "We very much hope that the sanctions imposed against the occupier will be strengthened and that it will force him to leave the occupied territories. We now see the other way, the military way, as hopeless. This would entail ethnic cleansing. And if …

  • Crimean Ombudsmen: International observers cannot come to Crimea because they consider the Peninsula as part of Ukraine

    The reasons why international observers have not been able to come to the Crimea have been paperwork issues, as well as that their belief that the Crimea is part of Ukrainian territory, assumed Crimean Ombudsmen Ludmila Lubina in an interview with Radio "Sputnik in the Crimea."

    “These organizations do not recognize the Crimea as Russia and when coming to our territory they ask for permission from Ukraine. Ukraine gives these permissions, but they are filled out in an unclear manner. We declare …

  • Swedish Foreign Ministry: Sanctions on Russia will not be lifted until the Crimea is returned to Ukraine

    The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Margot Wallström, stated in an interview with Dozhd that European sanctions imposed against Russia will be maintained as long as the Crimea remains under Russian control.

    “Our sanctions, the decision on which was made by the European Union, were imposed due to the events that took place in the Crimea… The territory was illegally taken from another European country. This is prohibited by the European security policy,” Wallström said.

    “Our sanctions …

  • Ukrainian Ministry of Justice: Ukraine lost $100 billion due to the annexation of the Crimea

    The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has assessed the damage done to Ukraine as a result of the annexation of the Crimea to be at USD 100 billion, as stated by the Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Pavlo Petrenko, in an interview with

    “We have made a preliminary assessment of damages to Ukraine based only on the annexation of the Crimea to be approximately USD 100 billion. This amount will be detailed further during the decision-making stage,” the Minister said. However, according to him, …

  • Lithuania will seek to maintain sanctions against Russia until it leaves the Crimea

    Lithuania will seek to maintain all sanctions against Russia until it withdraws from the occupied territories of Ukraine, as stated by the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry on the occasion of the third anniversary of the annexation of the Crimea.

    “Lithuania strongly supports the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine. In support of Ukraine, we will continue to implement the non-recognition policy of the illegal annexation of the Crimea that began three years ago,” the …

  • Turkey: Disagreements remain with Russia over the Crimea

    Turkey is pursuing development of its relationship with Russia, but disagreement on several issues, including the Crimea, remain between the countries, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said at the Munich conference.

    He remarked that the relationship between the two countries had been good before Turkey fighter jets shot down a Russian bomber in November 2015.

    “And none of us asked why we had such good relations. After the incident, many countries in NATO and the EU …