Contents tagged with crimea

  • Italian company confirms delivery of equipment for a plant in annexed Crimea

    On Friday, December 21st, Krym.Realii reported that Italian company Bertolaso confirmed the delivery of industrial equipment for the new plant of the agricultural company Zolotaya Balka in the annexed Crimea.

    A representative for the commercial department of Bertaloso, Luca Karassi said that two months ago the company delivered a machine to wash, fill, and seal bottles, which was intended for a plant in Sevastopol.

    “The contract was signed with Russia, the agricultural company Zolotaya Balka- …

  • 15 Ukrainian sailors imprisoned in Russia declare themselves prisoners of war 

    According to lawyer Sergey Badamshin, 15 of the 24 captured Ukrainian sailors being held in a Moscow jail have identified themselves as prisoners of war and demanded that they be treated as such in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva Convention. 

    Badamshin added that the Crimean court hearing their case has been deliberating for two days now on the Ukrainian military’s appeal against illegal arrests. “The ‘Court’ rejects all complaints. But we must understand that the ‘court’ shows no …

  • Ukraine plans to build new naval base in the Sea of Azov

    Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak ordered to prepare the required documentation for the construction of a new naval base in the Sea of Azov. "I have instructed the Naval Commander to send estimates for the construction of a naval base in the Sea of Azov. We definitely should strengthen our presence there. We should respond to the threats in the Sea of Azov,” the Defense Minister said on the Ukrainian TV.

    At the meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk, Ukraine proposed to …

  • Kremlin: Moscow hopes that Israel and Turkey will recognize Crimea’s annexation by Russia

    Moscow hopes that Israel and Turkey will eventually recognize the "legitimacy of the reunification of the Crimea and the Russian Federation", said Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

    “There are several issues where our positions diverge. In the context of Crimea, neither Ankara nor Tel Aviv are yet ready to agree to our reasons that the process of Crimea’s reunification with Russia was fully compliant with the international law, and that no other term can be applied here,” Peskov …

  • US Senate calls for ‘tough operation’ to liberate Kerch Strait for navigation

    The US Senate has called for a “tough operation” to liberate the Kerch Strait for navigation, with nearly half of senators urging President Donald Trump to take such a step, BBC reports.

    The authors of the resolution, which was signed by 39 Senate members, believe that this is a necessary response to Russia’s actions in the Kerch Strait on November 25, when it captured three Ukrainian vessels and their crews.

    The resolution was drafted by Republican Ron Johnson, head of the Homeland Security …

  • Russia: passage of Ukrainian ships through the Kerch Strait can ‘aggravate the situation’

    The official representative for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova commented on the statement made by the Secretary of the National Security Council Oleksandr Turchynov that Ukraine is preparing another passage of ships through the Kerch Strait.

    According to her, this can “aggravate the situation.” The spokeswoman for the MFA said that Turchynov’s statement is “provocative.”

    “It [the statemen]) is absolutely irresponsible, and it is intended to aggravate the situation. …

  • Russia holds military exercises in Crimea

    According to the press service of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Russian military held exercises in the Crimea, reported Krym.Realii.

    During the exercises, S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system crews redeployed the missile systems, practiced target detection and destroyed mock enemy aircraft. The military also practiced dismantling missile launchers and radar equipment and then moving to new positions and redeploying them.

    After deploying missile launchers, the crew checked …

  • Turchynov: Ukraine preparing to send more ships through Kerch Strait with international help

    Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, told BBC Ukraine in an interview that the country is planning to send more ships through the Kerch Strait with the help of international partners.

    “Yes, it is a matter of principle for us. If we stop and back down, then Russia will effectively achieve its goal of capturing the Sea of Azov, and will present to the world the new maritime borders in the Black Sea that it has determined, de facto …

  • NATO condemns Russia’s militarization of the Crimea

    On December 18, while commenting on the Russian Defense Ministry’s statement about the deployment of more than ten Su-27SM and Su-30M2 fighters from Krymsk in the Krasnodar Territory to the Crimean airfield Belbek, NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said that the ongoing militarization of the Crimea and the Black and Azov Seas threatens the sovereignty of Ukraine and undermines the stability of the entire region, DW reports.

    The alliance stated that Russia must release the Ukrainian sailors and …

  • Ukrainian President: UN resolution on Crimea is a step towards the 'de-occupation' of the peninsula

    In a statement on his Facebook page, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko welcomed the results of voting in the UN General Assembly on the resolution on the militarization of the Crimea and Sevastopol.

    “Today another important step has been taken towards the de-occupation of the Crimea. The resolution showed an unequivocal assessment of the world community about the continuing unlawful behavior of the Kremlin,” the president of Ukraine said.

    Poroshenko said that the support of the UN will be …