Contents tagged with crimea

  • Kyiv raises the issue at OSCE Council about Russian military buildup near Ukrainian border

    During the meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council on Thursday, December 13 in Vienna, Ihor Prokopchuk, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to International Organizations in Vienna drew attention to hundreds of Russian tanks which are amassed at the border with Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.

    "While Russia, as the aggressor-state, continues to push Ukraine, bring groundless allegations and carry out unsuccessful falsifications, recent satellite images show hundreds of battle tanks deployed by Russia …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO to expand cooperation with Georgia

     Georgia Online reports that the Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) Jens Stoltenberg, at a meeting of the NATO-Georgia commission, said that the Alliance plans to expand cooperation with Georgia because of Russian aggression in the Black Sea.

    According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, NATO is concerned due to aggressive actions of the Russian Federation in the Black Sea.

    “The Alliance is concerned about Russia’s aggressive actions against both Russia and …

  • UN General Assembly to consider a resolution on the situation in the Crimea and the Sea of Azov

    The militarization of the annexed Crimea, as well as part of the Black and Azov seas will be discussed at the UN level. On December 17, the UN General Assembly will vote on the draft resolution, stated Oleh Nikolenko, the official representative of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN, in an exclusive interview with

    “On December 17, the UN General Assembly will vote on the draft resolution “The problem of the militarization of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol ( …

  • NATO gives Ukraine military equipment during President Poroshenko’s visit to Brussels

    The North-Atlantic Alliance promised that Ukraine would be given military equipment during a visit by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to Brussels, Evropeyska Pravda reported, citing a source familiar with the details of the shipment.

    On Thursday, in a joint press-conference with Poroshenko in Brussels, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg promised that the Alliance would soon deliver secure communications equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As it turns out, the promise was …

  • President Poroshenko gives Tusk a list of people involved in attack on the Ukrainian ships

    The Ukrainian President’s press service reported that President Petro Poroshenko met with President of the European Council Donald Tusk during his visit to Brussels.

    Poroshenko told Tusk about the Russian attack on Ukrainian ships near the Kerch Strait and the existing threats to regional security. He said that the European Union should respond powerfully and adequately to Russia's aggression to prevent the "creeping occupation" of the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov. The President of Ukraine …

  • Commander of the detained Ukrainian ship refuses to testify in Russian court

    Ilya Novikov, the lawyer for the arrested Commander of the Ukrainian Navy boat Berdyansk, Roman Mokryak detained in the Moscow detention center, stated that his client does not intend to give any testimony in the court until his crew members are realeased.

    “The Commander of the ship Berdyansk, Roman Mokryak, announced to the investigation today that he demands that he and his crew be treated as prisoners of war and that he will not give the Russian authorities any testimony until his …

  • EU fails to impose new sanctions on Russia over the Kerch Strait incident

    Germany considers Russia’s claims to the Sea of Azov inappropriate, Chancellor Angela Merkel told Bundestag deputies on Wednesday. She stated that Russia’s seizure of three Ukrainian Navy ships in the Kerch Strait was “a cause for concern.”

    “Let us call things by their proper names. We do not accept Russia’s actual claims to the Sea of Azov,” Merkel stated. Nevertheless, Germany rejected the idea of new sanctions for the Kerch incident. At the EU Summit on December 13, Berlin will advocate the …

  • Ukrainian sailors held in Moscow prison visited by Ukrainian diplomatic staff

    On December 11, employees of Albert Chernyakov, the Ukrainian consul in Moscow, visited six Ukrainian soldiers who were captured by Russia off the coast of Crimea and are now being held in the Lefortovo pretrial detention center in Moscow: Oleh Melnychuk, Mykhailo Vlasyuk, Viktor Bezpalchenko, Volodymyr Tereshchenko, Yevhen Semydotsky and Volodymyr Lisovy.

    According to the consul, the Ukrainians’ condition is satisfactory, and their attitude is optimistic, hoping for a prompt return home. They …

  • Lithuanian Parliament adopts resolution condemning 'Russia's aggression against Ukraine'

    On Monday, December 10, the Seimas of Lithuania adopted a resolution “On supporting Ukraine against the aggression of the Russian Federation”. The decision was supported by 79 people.

    “The adopted resolution strongly condemns the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as well as the aggressive unilateral actions that harshly violate bilateral and multilateral agreements and international law. They threaten the entire region and the security of Europe․ The resolution …

  • Ukraine refuses to sign UN Migration Pact

    The press service of Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that Ukraine refused to sign the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).

    The decision was made because of the annexation of the Crimea by Russia and the fighting in the Donbas, as a result of which there are 1.5 million internally displaced persons in Ukraine.

    "The Ukrainian side is making every effort to ensure the rights and meet the needs of internally displaced persons, but there is still a lot of …