Contents tagged with crimea

  • Volker: US will send more weapons to Ukraine

    In the next few months, the US intends to send Ukraine a new batch of weapons, US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker announced at a press conference.

    According to him, the US has the opportunity to sell Ukraine additional weapons.

    “Announcements will be made, and Congress will be notified about the first tranches in the next few months,” Volker noted.

    He added that Washington will negotiate weapons shipments with Ukraine for as long as they are needed.

    The special representative …

  • Putin says it does not make sense to release Ukrainian filmmaker Sentsov

    During a session of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia has been considering the fate of prisoners, especially the Ukrainian filmmaker Oleh Sentsov, but does not intend to “take a step towards Ukraine”.

    During the session, filmmaker Alexander Sokurov pointed out that Russia is experiencing great tension in connection with foreign policy problems. In this regard, he was particularly interested in the fate of the Ukrainian political …

  • UN General Assembly condemns militarization of Crimea and the Sea of Azov by Russia

    The UN General Assembly supported the resolution proposed by Ukraine that expressed serious concerns regarding the militarization of the Crimea, the Sea of Azov and part of the Black Sea adjacent to the region, Interfax reports.

    The resolution also calls on Russia to release the Ukrainian military ships detained on November 25. Moscow’s use of force has been called by other nations to be unjustified.

    A separate paragraph of the resolution condemns the construction and opening of the bridge …

  • Russia to move additional fighter jets to Crimea

    Interfax reports that the Su-27SM and Su-30M2 fighters will return to the Crimean airfield Belbek after the reconstruction of the airfield is complete.

    “On December 22nd, 2018 more than 10 Su-27SM and Su-30M2 fighters from the fighter jets regiment of the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Army will fly from the Krymsk airfield in the Krasnodar region to Belbek in the Republic of Crimea to the place of their permanent deployment,” said the Russian Ministry of Defense in a statement.

    The fighters …

  • Ukraine calls on Europe to introduce sanctions against Russia because of Kerch Strait attack

    Ukraine and the European Union must consolidate the international pressure against the aggressor-country and strengthen the policy of sanctions. The Ukrainian government portal reports that this was discussed during the meeting of the Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini.

    “We appreciate the readiness of our partners in the EU to support Ukraine in the conditions of the new aggression by Russia in the Azov …

  • Ukrainian President proposes establishing Crimean Tatar autonomy in Crimea

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko expressed his readiness to introduce to the Verkhovna Rada a draft amendment to the Ukrainian constitution granting the Crimean Tatars autonomy. He stated at a press conference in Kyiv that he has already asked to convene the Constitutional Commission to fast-track adoption by Parliament.

    "I am ready to introduce the issue of changing the Constitution regarding Crimean Tatar autonomy. I asked to convene the Constitutional Commission, to give the compromise …

  • Poroshenko: Martial law in Ukraine will be extended only in case of Russian attack

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko stated at a press conference in Kyiv that Ukrainian authorities won’t extend martial law unless Russia conducts "large-scale aggression."

    “If there is no large-scale aggression or the invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine beyond the demarcation line and the administrative border of the Crimea, the Martial law will not be extended,” TV Channel 112 Ukraine cited the President as saying.

    Poroshenko also added …

  • Ukrainian President: Putin refuses to talk about Kerch Strait incident because he has nothing to say

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin is disingenuous when saying that the reason he is refusing a telephone conversation because of the election process in Ukraine. In Poroshenko’s opinion, the head of the Kremlin simply has nothing to say.

    At a press conference on Sunday, the President of Ukraine said: “When, during the act of aggression, I called him to talk, he refused to have a conversation not because, as he explains, the election process in …

  • Captain of ship captured by Russia tells investigators he is a prisoner of war

    Bohdan Nebylytsya, captain of the Ukrainian armored boat the Nikopol, which was captured several weeks ago near the Kerch Strait, told Russia’s FSB that he considers himself a prisoner of war, reported attorney Mykola Polozov.

    “As with the other sailors, Nebylytsya was investigated, we have been informed of several orders to set up expert assessments. They have also interrogated him. During the interrogation, he said that he is a prisoner of war,” Polozov noted.

    “Emil Kurbedinov, the defense …

  • President Poroshenko expects EU sanctions after Russia’s attack on Ukrainian ships

    The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, wrote on Facebook that the decision of the EU summit to continue sanctions against the Russian Federation is an important result for Ukraine and creates the basis to develop new measures.

    “The next step should be the introduction of an “Azov packet of sanctions.” This decision and the discussion between EU leaders provides a good basis for the development process, so Russia’s aggressive act is justly and strictly punished,” stressed the president.

    In …