Lithuania reports significant withdrawal of Russian troops from Kaliningrad amid Ukrainian offensive in Kursk region

Lithuanian Armed Forces Commander Raimundas Vaikšnoras has reported a significant reduction of Russian ground forces in the Kaliningrad region, Delfi reports.

Commander Vaikšnoras noted that this reduction is likely connected to the Ukrainian military's gains in the Kursk region of Russia. “As soon as the war in Ukraine began, equipment and personnel were massively relocated from Kaliningrad. After a rotation, the Russians returned, but now it’s noticeable—there is a substantial decrease in, let's say, ground forces,” Vaikšnoras clarified.

However, he cautioned that Russia is still striving to maintain control over the Baltic region.

The commander urged vigilance, emphasizing that Russia's air defense system remains potent and that they continue to try to control both the Baltic Sea and the broader Baltic region.

Lithuanian Minister of National Defense Laurynas Kasčiūnas also commented earlier that following the onset of fighting in the Kursk region, Russia has been moving troops from Kaliningrad to that front.

Additionally, reports indicate that Russia is redeploying troops from the occupied territories of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.

  Lithuania, Kaliningrad, Kursk
