Lukashenko accuses NATO of planning to seize Western territories of Belarus

NATO is creating a military group in order to seize Western Belarusian territories, stated Alexander Lukashenko during the session of the Collective Security Council of the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organisation).

The self-proclaimed head of Belarus expressed serious concern about the increase in the military presence of the United States and NATO near the western borders of the country.

"The case, I quote, is in the historical affiliation of the Belarusian lands to Poland. This is already being declared openly. Can I, as president and Belarusians, agree with this? It turns out that where we live today, we do not own these lands. It's clear who thinks this way. That's what they're doing," he said.

According to Lukashenko, Minsk sees an increase in structural military measures in Poland and the Baltic states. Lukashenko pointed out to Warsaw's plans to deploy an additional American contingent on its territory and create new military infrastructure.

Lukashenko added that now the world is witnessing a slide towards the so-called managed chaos.

Earlier, on November 27, Lukashenko, citing the data of the Belarusian special services, stated that Poland called on NATO countries to establish special security forces within the Baltic army to fight the Belarusian authorities.

Lukashenko has repeatedly accused Western countries of organizing protests in Belarus. Thus, in August he said that the Belarusian special services tracked calls from Poland, Great Britain and the Czech Republic, to the organizers of protests in Belarus.

  Lukashenko, Belarus, NATO
