Russia warns Japan of consequences over missiles delivery to Ukraine

In a notable shift in policy following the recent easing of military equipment export regulations, Japan has agreed to provide domestically produced PAC-3 interceptor missiles to the United States for the Patriot missile defense systems which are planned to be delivered to Ukraine.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Nastaschin said that Moscow will view Tokyo's step as hostile if the Japanese PAC-3 interceptor missiles are delivered to Ukraine. 

The Russian response comes on the heels of the new agreement between Japan and the U.S. for missile transfers aimed at bolstering the Patriot systems.

In a clear stance, Moscow declares Japan's actions will be interpreted as "hostile attitude" towards Russia if the missiles make their way to Ukrainian forces.

Nastaschin further emphasized that Russia reserves the right to take "decisive countermeasures," particularly in terms of bilateral relations with Japan. However, he did not specify what these measures might entail.

This missiles delivery marks the first instance of Japan loosening its restrictions on military equipment exports. The PAC-3 missiles will be supplied to the U.S. for integration into the Patriot system.

The United States is reportedly facing challenges in ramping up the production of Patriot missiles destined for Ukraine due to a shortage of critical components manufactured by Boeing.

  War in Ukraine, Japan, Patriot, USA
