U.S. Intelligence alerts Hungary of possible armed threat on 1956 Uprising anniversary

U.S. intelligence has reportedly alerted Hungarian authorities about a potential armed action planned for October 23rd, a date marked by the beginning of Hungary's uprising against Soviet forces in 1956, reported the Hungarian news outlet Telex.

The report notes that the U.S. passed on information to Hungary regarding the potential threat approximately two weeks ago.

According to the U.S., certain individuals may be preparing for an armed attack on the anniversary of the 1956 events.

While no official confirmations have been made, Telex reports that over the weekend, staff from the Counterterrorism Center detained a group of young people at a Budapest pub.

One source recalled the raid and noted that the young individuals were heading towards the pub when they were intercepted on the street. Patrons and employees observed the detention but were not informed about the operation.

According to sources cited by the publication, the raid is connected to previously received information from the U.S. Secret Service. However, there is no indication yet as to which specific Hungarian agency is handling the investigation.

  Hungary, CIA, USA
