Belarus threatens to use tactical nuclear weapons in response to sovereignty threats

Belarus is ready to use tactical nuclear weapons should its sovereignty or independence come under threat, said the First Deputy Defence Minister and Chief of the General Staff, Pavel Muraveiko, as cited by the state news agency BELTA.

Muraveiko stated that Belarus has gained the expertise to handle weapons of mass destruction and would resort to their use if necessary. He noted the likelihood of deploying such weaponry, acquired from Moscow, under dire circumstances.

"We have learned to handle this weapon. We can use it with confidence. We are capable of executing it. And rest assured, we will, if our country’s sovereignty and independence are put at risk," Pavel Muraveiko emphasized.

This declaration from Belarusian defence officials arrives amidst mounting accusations against NATO countries for their operations near Belarus's borders. Belarus is specifically blaming Poland. Minsk insists that Warsaw obstructs its full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, besides holding Poland accountable for the border crisis leading to illegal migrant inflows.

Additionally, on June 29, reports indicated Belarus voiced fears of a potential "attack from Ukraine." According to Belarusian colonels, preparations are underway in Minsk to repel an assault by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, with the belief that all necessary military equipment is stationed in the Zhytomyr region. The rhetoric further accuses Western countries of attempting to drag Belarus into a broader conflict.

  Belarus, NATO, Poland
